Published September 23, 2020 | Version 0.0.1
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Zenodo package for Mao et al. 2020, A&A, 643, A95



The supplementary materials here contain Jupyter notebooks (Python 3) to reproduce figures in the APAP N-like paper (Mao et al. 2020, A&A, 643, A95). The notebooks are available in the following two forms.

The notebooks are very easy to install and run via Docker. The docker image allows one to run the notebooks on Linux, Mac OS and Windows regardless of the version of the operating systems and local python package/environment.

  • Alternatively, the notebooks can also be used in the Anaconda 3 environment with dependencies detailed in requirements.txt.


To run the notebooks via Docker
Step 1: Download and install Docker on your computer. See the Docker website for details and look for the Docker Engine community edition. Once you have downloaded and installed Docker, you can continue with this tutorial.

Step 2a: Pull the apap-nlike image from Docker hub (see the alternative in Step 2b)

docker pull jmao2018/apap-nlike:0.0.1

Step 2b: Download the docker image from Zenodo and import the image as follows

docker load -i apap-nlike-0.0.1-docker.tar.gz

The image will be named jmao2018/apap-nlike with the tag 0.0.1 and can be found with the command:

REPOSITORY              TAG             IMAGE ID        CREATED         SIZE
jmao2018/appa-nlike     0.0.1          image_id        created         size

Step 3: Start a docker container. Change the port number if 8080 is not available on the host machine. The token of the Jupyter notebook is prompted on the screen.

docker run -p 8080:8888 -i jmao2018/apap-nlike:0.0.1

Step 4:  The notebooks can be accessed from the browser using localhost:8080 or

Step 5:  Stop or remove docker container and remove docker image. Replace the example container ID (3b75b810e540) and example image ID (75835a67d134) with the ID of the containers/images you want to stop/remove. 

$docker container ls -a

$docker container stop 3b75b810e540
$docker container rm 3b75b810e540

$docker image ls
$docker image rm 75835a67d134


To run the notebooks via Anaconda 3
Step 1: Download and install Anaconda 3 on your computer. Once you are under the Anaconda 3 environment, you can continue with this tutorial.

Step 2: Download and unpack the tarball from Zenodo.

tar -xvf apap-nlike-0.0.1.tar.gz

Step 3: Install the dependencies (incl. numpy, scipy, etc.) via pip or conda if required.

cd apap-nlike-0.0.1
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

Step 4: Launch jupyter notebook.

jupyter notebook


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  • arXiv:2009.09506