There is a newer version of the record available.

Published September 17, 2020 | Version v0.3.1
Software Open

BleekerLab/snakemake_rnaseq: Version 0.3.1

  • 1. universiteit van Amsterdam
  • 2. University of Amsterdam


This release creates five different outputs from mRNA-seq reads:

  • .html reports of the mRNA-seq fastq quality checks.
  • .bam mapping files sorted by chromosomal coordinates.
  • mapping_summary.tsv, a summarised mapping report for all samples.
  • raw_counts.tsv, a table comprising the raw unscaled count values for genes in the provided GTF annotation file.
  • scaled_counts.tsv, a table comprising the scaled count values as given by DESeq2 for genes in the provided GTF annotation file.

Nb: the .tsv extension stands for tabulated separated values.



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