autoRIFT (autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking)
- 1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- 2. Division of Geological and Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology
A Python module of a fast and intelligent algorithm for finding the pixel displacement between two images
autoRIFT can be installed as a standalone Python module (does not support radar coordinates) where both manual and conda installs ( are supported or with the InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE: software that supports handling Cartesian and radar coordinates
Use cases include all dense feature tracking applications, including the measurement of surface displacements occurring between two repeat satellite images as a result of glacier flow, large earthquake displacements, and land slides
autoRIFT can be used for dense feature tracking between two images over a grid defined in an arbitrary geographic Cartesian (northing/easting) coordinate projection when used in combination with the sister Geogrid Python module ( Example applications include searching radar-coordinate imagery on a polar stereographic grid and searching Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) imagery at a specified geographic Cartesian (northing/easting) coordinate grid
Copyright (C) 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government Sponsorship Acknowledged.
This effort was funded by the NASA MEaSUREs program in contribution to the Inter-mission Time Series of Land Ice Velocity and Elevation (ITS_LIVE) project ( and through Alex Gardner’s participation in the NASA NISAR Science Team
v1.0.7 Updates:
- eased Geogrid output handling (the program will automatically check the optional inputs provided by the user and only generate the meaningful output based on the input combinations)
- bug of grid offset in Geogrid outputs has been fixed
- bug of erroneous large values (due to radar geometry's loss of sensitivity to geocode pixel displacement to velocity at large surface slopes) in Geogrid outputs has been fixed
- autoRIFT was successfully compiled with OpenCV v3 and OpenCV v4
- netcdf output packaging (not publicly available at this moment) for autoRIFT final products is significantly improved, where error metrics are calculated at the stable surfaces wherever available, and radar range-projected velocities onto a priori flow (e.g. surface slope parallel) are also provided when ionosphere-induced azimuth error are much larger.
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- References
- Journal article: 10.5194/tc-12-521-2018 (DOI)