Published September 30, 2020 | Version First edition
Book Open

INTERACT Images of Arctic Science

  • 1. University of Copenhagen
  • 2. Carsten Egevang Photography
  • 3. Aarhus University


About the book

The idea behind this book is to provide a visual impression of arctic science in pictures. As scientists, we normally tell stories in words, figures and tables in scientific papers, in textbooks, at lectures and in popular science articles. However, many of us — if not all of us — have also experienced the Arctic through our cameras; both for more technical, research related pictures and for pictures simply catching the beauty of our workplace and what surrounds it. For this book we have chosen 107 pictures to tell 107 different stories — every picture in the book is a story of its own — about arctic science, arctic landscapes, arctic nature and the people living there.

INTERACT - International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic
INTERACT is a circum-arctic network with more than 85 terrestrial field stations in the Arctic and adjacent boreal and Alpine areas.
INTERACT seeks to build capacity for research and monitoring in the Arctic and beyond, and offers access to the numerous research stations that are part of the network.


INTERACT Images of Arctic Science, 18 September 2020.pdf

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Book: 978-87-93129-16-0 (ISBN)


European Commission
INTERACT – International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic 730938