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Published September 7, 2020 | Version 15.1
Software documentation Open

EnergyPLAN - Advanced Energy Systems Analysis Computer Model

  • 1. Aalborg University


The EnergyPLAN model is a computer model for Energy Systems Analysis. The model has been developed and expanded on a continuous basis since 1999. The analysis is carried out in hourly steps for one year. And the consequences are analysed on the basis of different technical simulation strategies as well as market-economic simulation strategies.

The main purpose of the model is to assist the design of national energy planning strategies on the basis of technical and economic analyses of the consequences of different national energy systems and investments. However, the model has also been applied to the European level as well as to a local level such as towns and/or municipalities. From the first version, the model has emphasised the analysis of different operation strategies with a focus on the interaction between combined heat and power production (CHP) and fluctuating renewable energy sources. Moreover, the model emphasises the synergies of including the whole energy system and, through the various versions, the model has been expanded to include a wide range of technologies with a focus on analysing the cross-sectoral interaction between the electricity, gas, district heating and cooling grids.

The model is an input/output model. General inputs are demands, renewable energy sources, energy plant capacities, costs and a number of optional different simulation strategies emphasising import/export and excess electricity production. Outputs are energy balances and resulting annual productions, fuel consumption, import/exports and total costs including income from the exchange of electricity.


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