Published August 31, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

EOSC-Life EOSC Cloud feasibility assessment for Demonstrators

  • 1. Fraunhofer
  • 2. EMBL-EBI


EOSC-Life involves multiple complex cloud deployments of life sciences data, analyses and services for biomedical research users and infrastructures. This deliverable describes a cloud feasibility assessment performed on the first tranche of eight EOSC-LIFE Demonstrators by WP1, in cooperation with teams from WP’s 2, 3 and 7. The feasibility assessment was followed by assignments of individual “Data Experts” to each Demonstrator according to the needs identified. A cloud deployment training event (with WP7) and a hackathon event to bring together the WP1 Data experts and Demonstrator teams was then organised to raise the overall technical capability and capacities of the WP1 supported projects.


EOSC-Life_D1.1_EOSC Cloud feasibility assessment for Demonstrators_August-2020.pdf

Additional details


EOSC-Life – Providing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe 824087
European Commission