Published August 30, 2020 | Version v20200830033954
Dataset Open

COVID-19 Mobility Data Aggregator


  • 1. @actions



This repository includes:
1) Data scraper of Google, Apple and Waze Mobility data
2) Preprocessed mobility reports in different formats
3) Merged mobility reports in summary files

About data

About Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports

About Apple COVID-19 Mobility Trends Reports

About Waze COVID-19 local driving trends

Description of data files

Google reports (located in google_reports directory):

The raw report in ZIP format:
Data for the worldwide (only 1st level of subregions): mobility_report_countries (CSV and Excel formats available)
Data for Brazil: mobility_report_brazil (CSV and Excel formats available)
Data for Europe: mobility_report_europe (CSV and Excel formats available)
Data for Asia + Africa: mobility_report_asia_africa (CSV and Excel formats available)
Data for North and South America + Oceania (Brazil and US excluded): mobility_report_america_oceania (CSV and Excel formats available)

Apple reports (located in apple_reports directory):

Raw report: applemobilitytrends.csv
Data for the worldwide: apple_mobility_report (Google Sheets, CSV and Excel formats available)
Data for the US: apple_mobility_report_US (CSV and Excel formats available)

Waze reports (located in waze_reports directory):

Raw CSV files: Waze_Country-Level_Data.csv, Waze_City-Level_Data.csv
Preprocessed report: waze_mobility (Google Sheets, CSV and Excel formats available)

Summary reports (located in summary_reports directory)

These are merged Apple and Google reports.

Report by regions: summary_report_regions (CSV and Excel formats available)
Report by countries: summary_report_countries (Google Sheets, CSV and Excel formats available)
Report for the US: summary_report_US (CSV and Excel formats available)




If you use this dataset, please also cite the original data sources:

1. Google LLC "Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports". Accessed: <date>

2. Apple Inc. "Apple COVID-19 Mobility Trends Reports". Accessed: <date>

3. Waze Ltd "Waze COVID-19 Impact Dashboard". Accessed: <date>



Files (195.5 MB)

Additional details