Published August 28, 2020 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Capability Approach in VET as a Strategy to Reduce Dropout: The "Job High-School" Case in Italy

  • 1. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • 2. Politecnico di Milano
  • 3. Rennes 1 University
  • 4. Cometa Research
  • 1. University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
  • 2. Bern University of Teacher Education
  • 3. University College London, UK


Taking into account the accelerated process of technological innovation and the recent Covid crisis, the non-cognitive skills have been recognized as an essential element in the learning process today. Cometa VET school implements a 2-years VET training program called "Job High-School", aiming at former dropout students' employability, but carefully fostering their social and emotional skills. A capability approach has been developed in order to foster a human integral development. This research, funded by Fondazione SanZeno, presents the main elements of this approach and its theoretical foundations. A statistical analysis, based on data collected through 4 waves of surveys between 2018 and 2020, highlights the impact of the approach in terms of increase of emotional and productive as the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on a group of students attending the program during 2018-2020. Emerging results show the relevance of tutors in the VET system as key players in learners' personal development. 


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