Relaxation of purifying selection suggests low effective population size in eusocial Hymenoptera and solitary pollinating bees
- 1. Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution (UMR 5554), University of Montpellier, CNRS
Data and results of the paper "Relaxation of purifying selection suggests low effective population size in eusocial Hymenoptera and solitary pollinating bees".
- data_table_species.csv: contains life-history and geographical range descriptors, terminal branch length and genomic estimated values for each substitution category, for each species in the dataset. Contains results obtained with both the complete data set and the subsampled dataset with 88 species.
- data_table_genes.csv: contains values of substitution count that are sums of the values obtained for every species in the alignment. Also contains the results of HyPhy RELAX analyses for each alignment.
- data_table_genes_species.csv: contains estimated values for each substitution category for each species in each alignment. Contains results obtained with both the complete data set and the subsampled dataset with 88 species.