Published August 20, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Brightfield images: p173

  • 1. University of Zurich


This repository constains all the brightfield plate scans plate p173 for the project:

A quantitative analysis of the interplay of environment, neighborhood, and cell state in 3D spheroids

    Vito RT Zanotelli
    Matthias Leutenegger
    Xiao‐Kang Lun
    Fanny Georgi
    Natalie de Souza
    Bernd Bodenmiller

Mol Syst Biol. (2020) 16: e9798

Please cite this article if you re-use any of the data or code.

Each plate acquisition follows the naming scheme:






  • date: acquisition date
  • operator: microscope operator
  • plate: plate number
  • rev: optional, if there indicates that the plate has been rotated 180 degree. E.g. well A01 will be well H12.
  • dps:  days post seeding
  • ac: manual acquisition number (e.g. if acquisition needed to be repeated)
  • acquisitionid: machine provided unique acquisition id

Each folder contains:

  1. HTD files which contains acquisition metadata in text form.
  2. TimePoint_1: a folder containing all the acquisitions in .tiff form with the suffix _{wellname}_w{channel}

In this acquisition 3 channels were used, which correspond to 3 brightfield images at 3 different z positions.

An ImageXpress Micro XL Widefield High Content Imaging microscope (Molecular Devices, 4x objective, NA 0.20) was used for the acquisition.




Additional details

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