Published August 17, 2020 | Version v2
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ROMS-BEC oceanic physical and biogeochemical model code for the Southern California Current System V2020


This oceanic physical and biogeochemical model code has been adapted at the University of California Los Angeles and the University of Washington for Southern California, in particular to study (1) the climate variability, (2)the coastal eutrophication and its impact on the oceanic acidification and deoxygenation, (3) fish and calcifiers vulnerability to changes in oxygen and carbon saturation states.The physical Regional Ocean Modeling System, ROMS (Shchepetkin et al,  2005, 2015) is coupled to the Biogeochemical Elemental Cycling model (Moore et al 2004). Point sources (e.g. Rivers and submarine pipes) is adapted from Uchiyama et al (2014) and the model has been coupled offline to the atmospheric model WRF (Skamarock, 2008), including the eddy-wind feedback (Renault et al, 2020).

- L2 folder contains the grid file. contains the Code.


JK Moore, SC Doney, K Lindsay, Upper ocean ecosystem dynamics and iron cycling in a595global three-dimensional model.Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles (2004)

L Renault, et al., The physical structure and behavior of the california current system.bioRxiv(2020)

AF Shchepetkin, JC McWilliams, The regional oceanic modeling system (roms): a split-explicit, free-surface, topography-following-coordinate oceanic model.Ocean. modelling9,591347–404 (2005)

AF Shchepetkin, An adaptive, courant-number-dependent implicit scheme for vertical advec-593tion in oceanic modeling.Ocean. Model.91, 38–69 (2015).

WC Skamarock, A linear analysis of the ncar ccsm finite-volume dynamical core.Mon. Weather. Rev.136, 2112–2119 (2008).

Y Uchiyama, EY Idica, JC McWilliams, KD Stolzenbach, Wastewater effluent dispersal in southern california bays.Cont. Shelf Res.76, 36–52 (2014)


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