Published November 29, 2019 | Version v0.1.0
Project deliverable Restricted

D8.2: POPD – Requirement No. 2 (Data protection policy)

  • 1. Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH
  • 2. Arctik srl
  • 3. Irstea
  • 4. ECOL


D8.2 is part of the ethics requirements and describes organizational and technical measures to ensure the protection of personal data in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2016/679).

The data protection policy relates to any personal data of natural persons. For DWC, this relates to the data of human research participants in workshops and interviews and to a minor extent potentially of customers of the participating utilities. The measures to protect their rights and contact details of the data protection officers are given.

D8.2 is closely linked to the other ethics deliverables, namely D8.1 on the procedures to identify and recruit research participants and obtain their informed consent and D8.3 on informed consent, and on the project management deliverables, namely D7.1 Project management handbook and D7.2 Data management plan.


Version (v0.1.0) submitted to EC.



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