Southern California Bight rivers, wastewater effluents and atmospheric data
- 2. SCIRO
- 3. UCLA
Time series were compiled of terrestrial and atmospheric fluxes of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), carbon (C), iron (Fe), and silica (Si) to the Southern California Bight (SCB), an upwelling dominated open embayment in the southern California Current System on the U.S. West Coast. The spatially explicit time series is being used to simulate the relative effect of the ``local'' terrestrial and atmospheric forcing on the biogeochemistry and lower trophic ecosystem of the SCB in a numerical ocean model, compared to natural climate cycles and global climate change. Field observations and models were used to construct a 14-year record (1997-2010) of terrestrial fluxes. These include: 1) direct point source (PS) discharges of wastewater treatment effluent that are released via ocean outfalls and 2) coastal river runoff, which includes PS, non-point sources (NPS) and natural sources. Atmospheric deposition was derived from modeled estimates over period of 2002-2012.