Published August 15, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Cryptocurrency as the newest form of money in the XXI century

  • 1. Московский Государственный Университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Факультет глобальных процессов, Кафедра ЮНЕСКО по изучению глобальных проблем и возникающих социальных и этических вызовов для больших городов и их населения, Российская Федерация


This article is devoted to cryptocurrency as the newest form of currency in an era of a rapid IT development. The cryptocurrency
is substantially known to have a number of advantages, and, thus, could be integrated into the global financial
system to increase its effectiveness. However, there are some issues concerning its usage. In particular, a possibility to use cryptocurrency anonymously might cause some issues with taxation and also lead to an increasing number of illegal
transactions. In conclusion it is stated that in the medium run cryptocurrency might qualify as the global currency and
even replace fiat money.



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