High-resolution stem radius changes of Juniperus excelsa and Cedrus libani from the Taurus Mountain range of SW-Turkey
- 1. University of Hohenheim
- 2. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
- 3. Hacettepe University
- 4. Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Institute
This dataset is related to our article published in Annals of Forest Science (2020):
Güney, A., Zweifel, R., Türkan, S. et al. Drought responses and their effects on radial stem growth of two co-occurring conifer species in the Mediterranean mountain range. Annals of Forest Science 77, 105 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-020-01007-2
The dataset includes hourly resolved stem radius change (SRC) measurements of adult Juniperus excelsa (JUEX) and Cedrus libani (CDLI) individuals. It further includes metadata, environmental data, and data about tree water relations and growth parameters which were calculated from stem radius change measurements.
Stem radius change measurements were performed with point dendrometers on five adult J. excelsa and four adult C. libani individuals growing at 1350 m asl in the Elmali Cedar Research forest in Antalya, Turkey. Meaurements started in October 2012 and lasted until December 2014. Concurrently, environmental conditions were measured at site.
Metadata and datasheets are provided as excel-files and also separately in the ".csv" format. The figure shows the study site (a circular plot with a radius of 30 m as indicated by the red circle) with the studied J. excelsa (J1–J5) and C. libani (C1–C4) individuals at the Elmali Cedar Research Forest, Antalya, Turkey (W= Weather station).
Datasheet 4 includes three variables that were calculated from the raw dendrometer measurements (SRC), which are:
1) GROrate= rate of irreversible stem increment
2) TWD= tree water deficit induced shrinkage of the stem
3) MDS= maximum daily shrinkage of the stem
These generated data represent daily averages per species. TWD and MDS represent normalized data. These three variables were used to investigate species-specific and year-to-year differences. They were further analyzed for their relationship with environmental parameters using statistical analyses.
The supplementary material file (excel) includes (1) the results of the environmental conditions during periods when irreversible stem growth (GRO) occured (spreadsheet 1), and (2) results from statistical analyses (MARS) that analyzed the relationship between the generated data from dendrometer measurements (GROrate, TWD, MDS) and climate data (spreadsheet 2).
Detailed information about the study site, the data set and the variables can be found in the metadata file.
Datasheet 1_description of study trees.csv
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