Published July 31, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Kharkiv National Medical University


Cystic fibrosis (CF) promotes the development of gingivitis in children.

The high prevalence and early manifestation of gingivitis is due to a combination of many factors. The pathogenic mechanisms of cystic fibrosis lead to disruption of normal physiological processes in the oral cavity, in particular, to a decrease in the level of salivation, to an increase in the viscosity of saliva, to a suppression of local immunity. Therefore, poor oral hygiene contributes to oral diseases.

The aim of the study was to determine the level of oral hygiene in children with CF as one of the reasons for the development of gingivitis, and to select dental hygiene products that active towards factors that affect plaque.

Material and methods. A total of 24 children with CF in the Ukrainian population participated in the study. The hygienic index OHI-S (J. C. Green, J. R. Wermillion, 1964) was calculated. The data were analyzed using Student’s criterions. The analysis was performed with a confidence level of 95 %.

Results. The level of hygiene of the oral cavity was unsatisfactory among patients (OHI-S=2.19±0.11). Hygiene methods and dental hygiene products, to taking into account the manifestation of the pathogenesis of somatic disease, were selected. A follow-up study after 3 months revealed a significant positive trend in indicators of oral hygiene.

Conclusions. This study has shown the low level of oral hygiene in children with CF. Hygienic education and motivation of these patients could help them achieve a higher level of oral health knowledge and are important starting points for the treatment and prevention of gingivitis. There was a significant improvement of the oral hygiene level after training children and after the proper selection of hygiene products. The dentists should use means and methods that have not contraindicate in patients of this category. It is recommended to monitore the hygiene indices to establish the effectiveness of the measures and necessity for individually therapy correction.



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