Published September 30, 2013 | Version Wf4ever/2010/D6.3v3/v1.0
Report Open

D6.3v3: Genome Wide Association Study Workflows v3

  • 1. Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC)
  • 2. University of Oxford
  • 3. University of Manchester
  • 4. University of Applied Sciences Leiden


This document describes the workflows developed during phase III of the project at the Human Genetics Department of the Leiden University Medical Centre (HG-LUMC) for interpreting results from genome-wide association (GWA) studies and for gene expression data related to Huntington’s disease.

The main goal of this deliverable is to produce workflows. At the same time, we applied the tooling and best practices that are emerging from the project to aggregate the workflow and associated material as a preserved “Research Object” (RO).

A detailed description about the state of the current tooling can be found in D1.4v2. Workflows form a crucial part of the data to populate the RO models and software in Wf4Ever, and the HG-LUMC is committed to producing good quality workflows that can be preserved.

Finally, we characterize the workflows according to current state of workflow preservation and archived them according to the project tooling.


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European Commission
WF4EVER – Advanced Workflow Preservation Technologies for Enhanced Science 270192


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