Published July 26, 2020 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Synchrotron Diffraction During Stress Relaxation in CP Ti (grade 4)

  • 1. University of Oxford
  • 2. University of Birmingham
  • 3. Safran SA


These data support the associated paper:

Cold Creep of Titanium: Analysis of stress relaxation using synchrotron diffraction and crystal plasticity simulations
Yi Xiong, Phani Karamched, Chi-Toan Nguyen, David M Collins, Christopher M Magazzeni, Edmund Tarleton, Angus J Wilkinson
Acta Materialia (2020) vol. 199, 561-577

The Authors' Accepted Manuscript version of the paper is available open access on arXiv:


This dataset arises from an in situ stress relaxation experiment on commercially pure (grade 4) Ti undertaken at the Diamond Light Source, beamline ID12, as part of experiment EE17222.  The sample was loaded to just beyond the yield point, and then held at constant strain for 5 minutes over which time the stress relaxed.  The sample was then reloaded elastically and a further period of stress relaxation at fixed total strain undertaken.  in total five periods of stress relaxation were imposed.

Throughout the mechanical testing cycle powder diffraction patterns were recorded in the transmission geometry, at 1 second intervals using a 2d Pixium detector held 1097 mm from the sample.  The beam energy was determined to be 79.79 keV. 

  • Diffraction Patterns are contained as 16 bit TIF files bundled into the file.
  • Macroscopic mechanical test data are in the excel file MechTest_2995.xlsx.
  • Small EBSD map in #.ctf format converted from Bruker #bcf file in CPg4.ctf file.
  • Matlab + MTEX script to load and make simple plots from EBSD data file in CPg4Ti_EBSDmap.m file.


Details of the MTEX orientation analysis package from Matlab can be found and freely downloaded at:




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UK Research and Innovation
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