Published March 24, 2016 | Version v1
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Phase Transition of Quartz and its Applications in Industrial Fields

  • 1. Crystallography Section, Department of Geoscience, LMU München, Munich, Germany


The technical formula is SiO2 and it’s composed of two elements, silicon and oxygen, also named by silica. Quartz is a quite important rock-forming mineral, which is also commonly used in our daily life. The crystalline form of SiO2 or quartz is relatively abundant in nature, but in the highly pure form required for the manufacture of quartz crystal units, the supply tends to be small.

The pure quartz is a colorless, transparent and glass-like crystalline material along with very high hardness. While in the present of different impurities, quartz appears a lot of different colors like violet amethyst, milky quartz, yellow citrine, rose quartz, gray smoky quartz and etc. Besides, in its dense forms, it appears invisible crystals like agate and gray flint.


Report of Master Course Thermodynamik und Kinetik von Phasenübergängen at LMU München. 2016.



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