Dataset: Public stigma towards prolonged grief disorder (Gonschor, Eisma, Barke & Doering, 2020)
- 1. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Department of Psychology, Philipps-University Marburg, Marburg, Germany
- 2. Department of Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands
- 3. Clinical and Biological Psychology, Department of Psychology, Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Eichstaett, Germany
Dataset from Gonschor, Eisma, Barke & Doering (2020): Public stigma towards prolonged grief disorder: Does diagnostic labeling matter?
The README file contains the information as outlined below.
The data are available in two formats: (a) Excel file and (b) CSV file. The content of (a) and (b) is identical. In the CSV file, the fields are separated by semicola. Decimal sign is a comma. The file contains a matrix of 35 x 9.
Description: The file contains the data as entered into the MANOVA after listwise deletion of missings. The values are provided separately for each of the eight experimental conditions.
Naming conventions
s: symptoms described in vignette:
pgd: symptoms of prolonged grief
000: no symptoms
d: diagnostic label assigned in vignette:
pgd: prolonged grief disorder
mde: major depressive episode
000: no diagnosis
f / m: male or female person described in the vignette
Thus: s_pgd_d_pgd_m: a vignette describing a person with PGD symptoms, who received a PGD diagnosis and of male gender.
Variable names: explanation
participants_number: absolute number of participants
women_number: absolute number of women
men_number: absolute number of men
gender_divers_number: absolute number of persons identifying their gender as divers
age_mean: mean age
age_sd: standard deviation of age
higher_education_number: absolute number of participants reporting higher education
bereaved_last_2_years_number: number of participants who reported any bereavement in the last two years
bereavements_lifetime_median: Median of reported bereavements in the participants’ lifetime
Participants indicated their relationship towards the person whose death was most distressing to them:
loss_spouse_number: Number of participants who had lost a spouse
loss_child_number: Number of participants who had lost a child
loss_parent_number: Number of participants who had lost a parent
loss_grandparent_number: Number of participants who had lost a grandparent
loss_sibling_number: Number of participants who had lost a sibling
loss_other_number: Number of participants who reported any other loss
icg_mean: mean score of the Inventory of Complicated Grief (Prigerson et al. 1995)
icg_sd: standard deviation of the Inventory of Complicated Grief
competent_mean: rating of the griever as competent (mean)
competent_sd: rating of the griever as competent (standard deviation)
warm_mean: rating of the griever as warm (mean)
warm_sd: rating of the griever as warm (standard deviation)
dependent_mean: rating of the griever as dependent (mean)
dependent_sd: rating of the griever as dependent (standard deviation)
sensitive_mean: rating of the griever as sensitive (mean)
sensitive_sd: rating of the griever as sensitive (standard deviation)
emotionally_stable_mean: rating of the griever as emotionally stable (mean)
emotionally_stable_sd: rating of the griever as emotionally stable (standard deviation)
fear_mean: rating of one’s fear towards the griever (mean)
fear_sd: rating of one’s fear towards the griever (standard deviation)
anger_mean: rating of one’s anger towards the griever (mean)
anger_sd: rating of one’s anger towards the griever (standard deviation)
prosocial_mean: rating of one’s prosocial emotions towards the griever (mean)
prosocial_sd: rating of one’s prosocial emotions towards the griever (standard deviation)
social_distance_mean: mean score of social distance scale (Link et al. 1987, higher scores indicate a stronger desire for social distance)
social_distance_sd: standard deviation of social distance scale