Published October 26, 2019 | Version v1
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On Randomized Searching for Multi-robot Coordination


In this chapter, we propose a novel approach for solving the coordination of a fleet of mobile robots, which consists of finding a set of collision-free trajectories for individual robots in the fleet. This problem is studied for several decades, and many approaches have been introduced. However, only a small minority is applicable in practice because of their properties - small computational requirement, producing solutions near-optimum, and completeness. The approach we present is based on a multi-robot variant of Rapidly Exploring Random Tree algorithm (RRT) for discrete environments and significantly improves its performance. Although the solutions generated by the approach are slightly worse than one of the best state-of-the-art algorithms presented in [23], it solves problems where ter Morses algorithm fails.



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SafeLog – Safe human-robot interaction in logistic applications for highly flexible warehouses 688117
European Commission