Published July 6, 2020 | Version v1
Video/Audio Open

Maurice binaural recording in Garden City, Cairo (Egypt), 30-05-2013

  • 1. CNRS
  • 2. IRD


« Mics in the Ears » binaural experiment in Cairo (Egypt): Vincent Battesti & Nicolas Puig, social anthropologists, asked inhabitants of Cairo megapolis in Egypt to record the surrounding urban sounds during one of their daily journeys (without the researcher), equipped with binaural microphones and GPS device. Participants have recorded in different Cairo neighbourhoods, and are themselves from different generations, social and economic backgrounds, and different genders.

The two sound files are one the raw sound recorded by one of them during this walk in a neighbourhood in Cairo (see name of the inhabitant and date and place of recording in the file name), and the other the description and comments he or she gave us a posteriori when listening to this previous raw sound he or she recorded. See


Data linked to the publication: Battesti, Vincent & Nicolas Puig, 2020 — « Towards a sonic ecology of urban life: Ethnography of sound perceptions in Cairo ». The Senses & Society, 15 (2), p. 170-191, doi: 10.1080/17458927.2020.1763606


Maurice Description & comments 30-05-2013 19h01 of Route binaural recording, Garden City, Cairo (Egypt), 30-05-2013 17h59.wav

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Related works

Other: 10.5281/zenodo.3952903 (DOI)
Is cited by
Journal article: 10.1080/17458927.2020.1763606 (DOI)


  • Battesti, Vincent & Nicolas Puig, 2020 — « Towards a sonic ecology of urban life: Ethnography of sound perceptions in Cairo ». The Senses & Society, 15 (2), p. 170-191, doi: 10.1080/17458927.2020.1763606 — online:
  • Battesti, Vincent & Nicolas Puig, 2016 — « "The sound of society": a method for investigating sound perception in Cairo ». The Senses & Society, 11 (3), p. 298-319, doi: 10.1080/17458927.2016.1195112 — online: