Published July 17, 2020 | Version 0.1
Dataset Open

Sample data of the CRCM5-LE for applications of the Latent Linear Adjustment autoencoder

  • 1. ETH Zurich


This is a sample of the CRCM5-LE (Leduc et al. 2019) for the applications of the Latent Linear Adjustment autoencoder as demonstrated in Heinze-Deml et al., 2020. The sample data set is a subset of the CRCM5-LE. The original data can be accessed at the ClimEx data Access page.



Heinze-Deml C., Sippel, S., Pendergrass, A. G., Lehner, F., and Meinshausen, N., 2020: Latent Linear Adjustment autoencoders: A novel method for estimating and emulating dynamic precipitation at high resolution. arXiV preprint

Leduc, M., A. Mailhot, A. Frigon, J. Martel, R. Ludwig, G.B. Brietzke, M. Giguère, F. Brissette, R. Turcotte, M. Braun, and J. Scinocca, 2019: The ClimEx Project: A 50-Member Ensemble of Climate Change Projections at 12-km Resolution over Europe and Northeastern North America with the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5). J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 58, 663–693,
