Published July 16, 2020 | Version Version 1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Department of Computational Engineering Sciences, Cranfield University, UK Department of Computer Science, University of Jos, Nigeria
  • 2. Department of Computer Science, University of Jos, Nigeria
  • 3. Department of Computer Science, Federal University Dutse, Nigeria
  • 1. AM Publications


This paper proposed a computer-based test (CBT) mobile application with a multimodal biometric authentication. Authentication is a vital process in verifying the identity of a person based on certain input requirements. The need for such a system has become necessary due to the increasing number of examination malpractice cases during the conduct of examinations in Nigerian tertiary institutions. One of the major forms of examination malpractices identified is impersonation. The study was carried out on the state of computer-based tests in the University of Jos, Nigeria, it was implemented and used to get observations, findings, and relevant information on how the proposed system can address impersonation. In the case study, discomfort, faulty computers, network failure were part of the issues faced during the conduct of computer-based tests. The implementation of the mobile application was done with Flutter (a framework of dart programming language). Python (python facial recognition package server) was used to handle face recognition. The backend uses a No SQL database known as Firebase (Firebase collections/real-time database) which was used to store all data and carry out other related user validation functions. The work presented has rebounded to solving the problem of examination malpractice and impersonation in computer-based tests in the University of Jos as observed during validation with up to 97% level of reliability at different levels of authentication which make the solution a highly recommended system with state-of-the-earth results.


Malpractices in examinations have become a serious issue in Nigerian institutions today. This problem has led to increasing number of graduates who are not knowledgeable and are incompetent in their various fields of studies. It also makes students to lose confidence in them and depend on other students in examinations for solutions. One of such examination malpractices is impersonation, where a student claims to be another student, gets access to exam hall and writes the examinations for another student. In the University of Jos for example, impersonation during examinations has been one of the difficult forms of malpractice to handle. Other problems in line with this issue are: i. Increase in rate of imposters in examination hall. ii. Increase in dependence of students in other students. iii. Leak of examination questions and solutions. Another set of issues observed is that, in the current state of CBT examinations in the University of Jos for example, several complain have been made with regards to how examinations are conducted: i. Students complain about congestion during entrance to the examination hall due to large number of students taking the examinations. ii. Students complain about network failure during the examination sessions. iii. Students complain about power failure. iv. Faulty computers. Students complain about their computers going off during the examination which usually destabilizes them. In order to examine the problem of the study, the paper focuses on the development of a multimodal biometric recognition system for computer-based tests. This proposed a three-level authentication which could help improve the monitoring of the examinations. 1.1. Concept of biometrics The term biometrics refers to a method of identification and verification of a person based on his or her physical or behavioral traits. This method is gradually being generally accepted as a means of identification of an individual. Traditionally, individuals are verified using passwords or identification cards (ID), which can easily be bypassed. Hence, both methods are unreliable [1],[2]. In a biometric system, recognition, identification, and verification of an individual work by obtaining information from an individual through feature extraction and compares it with the model stored in a database. 1.1.1. Biometric authentication This is a computer-based method which is used to verify and grant access to an individual seeking for access into a system. Improvements were made on conventional techniques of authentication due to their poor reliability, through the development of biometric authentication which is a more reliable method for identifying persons in systems. It is considered as 'biometrics' most of the time. Reference [3] defines biometric authentication as the means of utilizing biological traits or behavioral characteristics for the purpose of authenticating a user. Similarly, [1], highlighted various factors of authentication, some of which are: fingerprint, face, iris, retina, gait and palm.



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