Published July 15, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D5.5 Performance diagnosis mechanism and reporting methodology document


The main objective of 5G EVE WP5 is the design and development of a testing and validation framework as part of the 5G EVE platform. The details of the testing and validation methodology as well as the different components implemented in order to realise this are presented in detail in D5.2 [1].
In the testing and validation process, two features are of paramount importance for a practical and useful platform for the experimenters willing to run their experiments on top of 5G EVE infrastructure: a) the generation of a complete and instructive validation report; b) the provision of a tool for performance diagnosis and root cause analysis.
Regarding the first aspect, the development of a complete and well-defined results analysis and validation report is of high importance because it provides experimenters with clear answers to their initial validation questions. In addition, this report gives a complete picture of the testing and validation process realised using the 5G EVE platform including, in addition to passed/failed results, information about the actual testing process, the environment in which the tests are executed, the different test cases executed to provide the results, a set of high level configuration information. All this information can be provided in a way that will ensure the transparency and repeatability of the entire testing and benchmarking process.
This document presents the details of the approach adopted to build the experiment validation reports. According to the approach the final report can be consolidated in a composition of 4 separate reports created by the elements of the EVE Platform. This happens because, while the main focus of the experiments is the KPI validation, the information regarding the site, the conditions and the technologies used can be extremely useful and insightful to the experimenter as well.
Regarding the second aspect, 5G EVE extends the functionalities of the testing and validation process described in D5.2 [1] with performance diagnosis functionalities. The main objectives of the developed performance diagnosis mechanism are: a) to provide insights on the execution and validation of the tests, b) to execute diagnostics and root cause analysis mechanisms in case of performance degradations.
In this document the performance diagnosis mechanism designed and developed in the project is presented, with their main functionalities including to perform a deeper KPI analysis, to execute anomaly detection on the collected metrics, to perform Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and finally generate a set of proposed actions for alleviating any performance degradation. In addition, initial results from the application of the performance diagnosis mechanisms on emulated networks are presented and analysed.


D5.5 Performance diagnosis mechanism and reporting methodology document.pdf

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European Commission
5G EVE – 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials 815074