Tolerance to geometrical inaccuracies in CBCT systems: A comprehensive Study
- 1. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Data used in the paper "Tolerance to geometrical inaccuracies in CBCT systems: A comprehensive Study", M. Abella, C. Martínez, I. García-Barquero, P.Moreno, C. de Molina, and M. Desco submitted to Medical Physics.
-EffectEquivalentErrors.ppt supplementary data showing that the effect of positive and negative errors for each geometrical parameter are equivalent.
-SystematicVsRandom.ppt supplementary data showing the effect of systematic and random errors for each geometrical parameter.
-RefVolumes.7z: Reconstructed reference volumes (without misalignments) for the phantoms used for the tolerances study.
- Ref_HeadPhantom_512x512x374.img - Clinical phantom with a matrix size of 512x512x374, float, little endian.
- Ref_SpheresPhantom_512x512x374.img - Spheres phantom (geometric phantom 1) with a matrix size of 512x512x374, float, little endian.
- Ref_CylPhantomX_512x512x374.img - Cylinder phantom (geometric Phantom 2) along the x-axis with a matrix size of 512x512x374, float, little endian.
- Ref_CylPhantomY_512x512x374.img - Cylinder phantom (geometric Phantom 2) along the y-axis with a matrix size of 512x512x374, float, little endian.
-VisualData.7z: Examples of reconstructed slices with missalignments of the clinical phantom used for the visual inspection of the geometrical innacuracies.
- Visual_SDD30_512x512x1.img - Axial slice with an error in SDD of 30 mm with a matrix size of 512x512x1, float, little endian.
- Visual_SDDProp15_512x512x1.img - Axial slice with an error of SDD up to 15 mm proportionally to the angular position with a matrix size of 512x512x1, float, little endian.
- Visual_AngPos1_No_tolerance just_rotation_512x512x1.img - Axial slice with an error in the angular position of 1 degree with a matrix size of 512x512x1, float, little endian.
- Visual_Vshift18_512x374x1.img - Coronal slice with an error in Vshift of 18 mm with a matrix size of 512x374x1, float, little endian.
- Visual_Hshift2_512x512x1.img - Axial slice with an error in Hshift of 2 mm with a matrix size of 512x512x1, float, little endian.
- Visual_Roll4_512x374x1.img - Coronal slice with an error in roll of 4 degrees with a matrix size of 512x374x1, float, little endian.
- Visual_Skew2_512x512x1.img - Axial slice with an error in skew of 2 degrees with a matrix size of 512x512x1, float, little endian.
- Visual_Tilt30_512x512x1.img - Axial slice with an error in tilt of 30 degrees with a matrix size of 512x512x1, float, little endian.
-QuantitativeData.7z: Examples of reconstructed slices with error values above the tolerance used for the quantitative assessment of the geometrical innacuracies for acquisition protocol 1 (Table 3).
- reco_hoff- Axial, coronal and sagittal slices of the ball phantom before and after the tolerance with a matrix size of 512x512x1 for axial view and 512x374x1 for coronal and sagittal views, float, little endian.
- reco_roll- Axial, coronal and sagittal slices of the ball phantom before and after the tolerance with a matrix size of 512x512x1 for axial view and 512x374x1 for coronal and sagittal views, float, little endian.
- reco_SDD- Axial, coronal and sagittal slices of the cylinder phantom before and after the tolerance with a matrix size of 512x512x1 for axial view and 512x374x1 for coronal and sagittal views, float, little endian.
- reco_SDDProp - Axial, coronal and sagittal slices of the cylinder phantom before and after the tolerance with a matrix size of 512x512x1 for axial view and 512x374x1 for coronal and sagittal views, float, little endian.
- reco_skew- Axial, coronal and sagittal slices of the ball phantom before and after the tolerance with a matrix size of 512x512x1 for axial view and 512x374x1 for coronal and sagittal views, float, little endian.
- reco_tilt- Axial, coronal and sagittal slices of the cylinder phantom before and after the tolerance with a matrix size of 512x512x1 for axial view and 512x374x1 for coronal and sagittal views, float, little endian.
- reco_voff- Axial, coronal and sagittal slices of the cylinder phantom before and after the tolerance with a matrix size of 512x512x1, float, little endian.