Published July 8, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

FAIRplus D4.3 - FAIRplus fellowship curriculum

  • 1. Fraunhofer FIT


FAIRplus offers the Fellowship programme to educate future FAIR experts who will in turn, transfer the FAIRplus knowledge to other institutions, thus acting as knowledge multipliers. By pooling people from academia with expert partners from SMEs and EFPIAs, and leveraging on the content of the FAIR Cookbook and its authors, the programme provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to make data FAIR.

The purpose of the Fellowship programme is to train eligible PhD students and/or postdoc level individuals together with industry partners (from the EFPIA and SME network) so that they get a better understanding of

  • what FAIR means for their industries

  • when FAIR is FAIR enough

  • why FAIR data is so essential to today’s life science industry

  • how to transform or initiate a FAIRification process in their organisations

  • how to advise internal departments and teams to make their data FAIR

An increased knowledge transfer for FAIR data transformation will naturally lead to a wider sharing of best practices, greater opportunities for innovation, and more insights.

The fellowship programme is open for applicants from three different professional groups:

  • EFPIA partners

  • SME partners

  • and affiliated academics, e.g. PhD students and postdocs.


D4.3 FAIRplus Fellowship Curriculum.docx.pdf

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FAIRplus – FAIRplus 802750
European Commission