Published July 6, 2020 | Version 0.0.2
Dataset Open



Data output from the tool set application for the assessment of the environmental (emissions, carbon footprint, ambient air concentrations), health (exposure and health effects), and economic impacts (e.g. health-related costs).

  • Ljubljana shapefile
    file: ljubljana.7z
    Shapefile with the urban scale domain over Ljubljana with 20 km x 20 km
  • 2_LJB_Agriculture_baseline
    file: claircity_agricultureemissions_ljb_jan2019.pdf
    Emissions (in kg/year) were based on EMEP emission inventory for agriculture and livestock at 0.1x0.1 degrees resolution (~ 10 km) for the year 2015 disaggregated for the urban domain of Ljubljana by farms, meadows, vineyards land uses classified in the Open Street Map database
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality_Baseline (mesoscale/NO2 concentrations)
    file: no2_2010010100_2010123123_lcc.png
    Annual NO2 average concentrations (µg/m^3) from WRF-CAMx modelling system, for the mesoscale domain D2.
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality_Baseline (mesoscale/PM10 concentrations)
    file: pm10_2010010100_2010123123_lcc.png
    Annual PM10 average concentrations (µg/m^3) from WRF-CAMx modelling system, for the mesoscale domain D2.
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality_Baseline (mesoscale/PM2.5 concentrations)
    file: pm2.5_2010010100_2010123123_lcc.png
    Annual PM2.5 average concentrations (µg/m^3) from WRF-CAMx modelling system, for the mesoscale domain D2.
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality_Baseline (urban scale/ NO2 concentrations)
    file: lju_aq2app_no2.txt
    Annual NO2 average concentrations from URBAIR model
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality_Baseline (urban scale/ PM10 concentrations)
    file: lju_aq2app_pm10.txt
    Annual PM10 average concentrations from URBAIR model Coordinate system: LCP clicurb (meters)
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality_Baseline (urban scale/ PM2.5 concentrations)
    file: lju_aq2app_pm2.txt
    Annual PM2.5 average concentrations from URBAIR model Coordinate system: LCP clicurb (meters)
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality_Baseline (mesoscale-report)
    file: ljb_mesoscale.pdf
    This report provides an overview of the modelling approach used to characterize the air quality in the Ljubljana region, which includes a detailed description of the air quality modelling system WRF-CAMx (section 1.1.) and a description of the methodology applied to evaluate the model performance (section 1.2.). It also includes results of concentration fields and a source apportionment for NO2, PM10 and PM2.5.
  • 6_LJB_Carbon Footprint_Baseline
    Carbon footprint methodologies and estimation for the baseline year for Ljubljana
  • 6_LJB_CarbonFootprint_Scenarios
    Carbon footprint business as usual and scenario projections for Ljubljana.
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality_Baseline (urbanscale-report)
    file: lju_aq_urbanscale_report.pdf
    This report provides a brief overview oh the methodology used. It presents an analysis of concentration fields for NO2, PM10, PM2.5 of the total and by modeled sectors, it also includes an analysis of the source contribution and for the maximum values.
  • 3_LJB_IRCI_baseline
  • 2_LJB_IRCI_Scenarios
  • 2_LJB_temporal_profiles
    file: ljubljana-daily_hourlytd_res_comm_emi.xlsx
    Temporal profiles of Ljubljana's residential sector and commercial sector scale in %: Daily emissions, typical days emissions and hourly typical days emissions of PM10 and NOX variables.
  • 2_LJB_Transport_baseline_map
    Map with lines, link with emissions using filed "ID"
  • 2_LJB_Transport_baseline_values
    Part 2 of 2 files that make the Ljubljana transport emissions baseline: total emissions per link in .csv: To be linked to the road network file using the identifier "uniqueID" shapefile with road links units: g emissions at link level consisting of a zip file with 2 .csv-files, in the following format: first column: link-ID (link with shapefile of the road network) second column: pollutant (PM, PM non-exhaust or NOx) third column: mode ("BESTEL"= van or light freight, "MIDZWVR" = medium freight, "MOTOR" = motorcycles, "OVBUS" = bus, "PERSAUTO" = passenger cars, "ZWAARVR" = heavy freight columns D-AY: hourly intervals for weekday ("WD") and weekend ("WE") all units in g 2 files with values: aggregates over type, by type of day, per hour of day and a separate file for annual totals (at link level, per pollutant (including FC))
  • 2_LJB_transport_scenarios
    file: 191023_lju_scenario_results_summary_v2.xlsx
    This data-set reflects the relative changes of road transport emissions in different years and scenario's compared to the baseline. 2 sets of scenario's are given, one per tab: "SDW": BAU & scenario's established in the stakeholder dialogue workshop "UPS": updated BAU (if applicable) & final Unified Policy Scenario (UPS) selected in the policy workshop. reported for 3 future years compared to the 2015 baseline: 2025, 2035 and 2050 reported for NOx & PM for 6 modes: "MIDZWR": medium truck "ZWVR": heavy truck "BUS": busses "MOTO": motorcycles "CAR": passenger cars "VAN": light freight, assumed to be a mix of passenger cars and medium trucks all units: %
  • 5_LJB_health_statistics
    file: lbj_health-analysis.xlsx
    demographics and population data to calculate the health statistics
  • 5_LJB_health_scenarios
    file: summary_results_lbj.xlsx
    Health-related impacts (selected mortality and morbidity endpoints) related to exposure to PM2.5, NO2, and PM10, considering concentration-response functions and baseline concentrations recommended by WHO.
  • 3_LJB_NO2_AQ_latlong
    file: lju_no2_latlong.rar
    The shapefile includes total NO2 concentrations (µg/m^3) , as well as concentrations by sector (transport, shipping, IRCI and industrial). Coordiante system: WGS1984
  • 3_LJB_PM2_AQ_latlong
    file: lju_pm2_latlong.rar
    The shapefile includes total PM2 concentrations (µg/m^3) , as well as concentrations by sector (transport, IRCI and industrial). Coordiante system: WGS1984
  • 3_LJB_PM10_AQ_latlong
    file: lju_pm10_latlong.rar
    The shapefile includes total PM10 concentrations (µg/m^3) , as well as concentrations by sector (transport, IRCI and industrial). Coordiante system: WGS1984
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality_Baseline (mesoscale/SourceApportionment)
    file: ljb_psat.xlsx
    Time series of daily average contributions for each source group for PM10, PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations from WRF-CAMx modelling system with the SA tool, for the Ljubljana urban area.
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality Scenarios_urban scale NO2 matrix
    file: lbj_no2_scenarios.mat
    Annual NO2 average concentrations (µg/m^3) from URBAIR model, considering the impact of all scenarios in all the emission sectors: transport, industrial and IRCI, together with the background concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total annual average concentrations for BAU, scenarios low and high ambition scenarios from the SDW, as well as the FUPS for the time-window 2025, 2035, and 2050.
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality Scenarios_ urban scale PM10 matrix
    file: lbj_pm10_scenarios.mat
    Annual PM10 average concentrations (µg/m^3) from URBAIR model, considering the impact of all scenarios in all the emission sectors: transport, industrial and IRCI, together with the background concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total annual average concentrations for BAU scenarios, low and high ambition scenarios from the SDW, as well as the FUPS for the time-window 2025, 2035, and 2050.
  • 3_LJB_Air Quality Scenarios_urban scale PM2 matrix
    file: lbj_pm2_scenarios.mat
    Annual PM2.5 average concentrations (µg/m^3) from URBAIR model, considering the impact of all scenarios in all the emission sectors: transport, industrial and IRCI, together with the background concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total annual average concentrations for BAU scenarios, low and high ambition scenarios from the SDW, as well as the FUPS for the time-window 2025, 2035, and 2050.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_EU_Baseline NO2 matrix
    file: lbj_no2_exposureeu_baseline.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual NO2 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the EU annual legal limit value of 40 ug/m^3 for the baseline year.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_EU_Baseline PM10 matrix
    file: lbj_pm10_exposureeu_baseline.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual PM10 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the EU annual legal limit value of 40 ug/m^3 for the baseline year.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_WHO_Baseline PM10 matrix
    file: lbj_pm10_exposurewho_baseline.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual PM10 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the WHO annual guideline value of 20 ug/m^3 for the baseline year.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_EU_Baseline PM2 matrix
    file: lbj_pm2_exposureeu_baseline.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual PM2.5 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the EU annual legal limit value of 25 ug/m^3 for the baseline year.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_WHO_Baseline PM2 matrix
    file: lbj_pm2_exposurewho_baseline.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual PM2.5 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the WHO annual guideline value of 10 ug/m^3 for the baseline year.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_EU_Scenarios NO2 matrix
    file: lbj_no2_exposureeu_scenarios.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual NO2 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the EU annual legal limit value of 40 ug/m^3 for BAU scenarios, low and high ambition scenarios from the SDW, as well as the FUPS for the time-window 2025, 2035, and 2050.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_EU_Scenarios PM10 matrix
    file: lbj_pm10_exposureeu_scenarios.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual PM10 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the EU annual legal limit value of 40 ug/m^3 for BAU scenarios, low and high ambition scenarios from the SDW, as well as the FUPS for the time-window 2025, 2035, and 2050.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_WHO_Scenarios PM10 matrix
    file: lbj_pm10_exposurewho_scenarios.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual PM10 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the WHO annual guideline value of 20 ug/m^3 for BAU scenarios, low and high ambition scenarios from the SDW, as well as the FUPS for the time-window 2025, 2035, and 2050.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_EU_Scenarios PM2 matrix
    file: lbj_pm2_exposureeu_scenarios.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual PM2.5 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the EU annual legal limit value of 25 ug/m^3 for BAU scenarios, low and high ambition scenarios from the SDW, as well as the FUPS for the time-window 2025, 2035, and 2050.
  • 4_LJB_Exposure_WHO_Scenarios PM2 matrix
    file: lbj_pm2_exposurewho_scenarios.mat
    Population potentially exposed to the annual PM2.5 average concentrations. The file contains X, Y coordinates, together with the total number of inhabitants, and the total number of inhabitants in each grid cell with an annual concentration exceeding the WHO annual guideline value of 10 ug/m^3 for BAU, scenarios, low and high ambition scenarios from the SDW, as well as the FUPS for the time-window 2025, 2035, and 2050.



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European Commission
CLAiR-CITY – Citizen Led Air pollution Reduction in Cities 689289