Published July 4, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Model to improve the dimensions of logistics performance in Asian countries

  • 1. School of Economics & Management, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang, China 050043


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of global competitiveness index (GCI) on the dimensions of logistics performance (LP) model for Asia countries. Panel data on 37 Asian countries over 2007-2018 were regressed under hierarchical regression analyses. Core variable GCI along with two control variables has been used in the study. Findings generated from the regression demonstrate that six dimensions of logistics performance of Asian economies could be improved by implementing global competitiveness index. Six individual models on efficiency of customs clearance process, transport related infrastructure, competitive price shipments, quality of logistics services, frequency of shipments, and tracing and tracking are statistically significant and execute more than 65% variations while the impact on competitive price shipments is mild. So, the model significance & statistical change in & adjusted signifies the contribution and the importance of GCI in context of policy implementation to improve Asian logistics performance taking GCI as the catalyst for LP.


4. 57-72 Model to improve the dimensions of logistics performance in Asian countries V3I7 July 2020.docx.pdf