Published July 3, 2020 | Version 1.0.1
Dataset Open

Hyperbolicity of General Relativity in Bondi-like gauges

  • 1. Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


This DOI refers to the paper "Hyperbolicity of General Relativity in Bondi-like gauges" and includes the necessary data for the numerical experiments based on the toy models presented in the paper.


In the previous version, the numerical norms were computed only on null hypersurfaces, whereas in this version ingoing fields are summed over null and outgoing over timelike hypersurfaces.


The code that generated the data and the Mathematica notebooks used for the analysis can be found at:


The work was partially supported by the FCT (Portugal) IF Program IF/00577/2015, IF/00729/2015 and PTDC/MAT-APL/30043/2017 and Project No. UIDB/00099/2020. Financial support provided by FCT/Portugal Grant No. PD/BD/135425/2017 in the framework of the Doctoral Programme IDPASC-Portugal is also recognized.


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