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Published June 30, 2020 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Citizen Science OpenAIRE activities in Education

  • 1. Ellinogermaniki Agogi
  • 2. Athena Research Center


Slides and recordings of the OpenAIRE webinar that covers OpenAIRE Citizen Science Initiatives and activities. More specific, the focus is on the School Seismograph Network and implementation of the OpenAIRE approach to enable the school’s seismograph data collections (OpenAIRE PROVIDE, Zenodo), exploration (OpenAIRE EXPLORE) and applications (HELIX, HACKQUAKE) and how OpenAIRE services embrace the active participation of schools into the Open Science ecosystem; Open Schools Journal for Open Science (OSJ) - STEM focused Open Schools Journal for Open Science, supported by OpenAIRE and how it enables students and teachers to learn about the Open Science ecosystem, rules and guidelines (i.e. licensing, metadata). Bringing Nobel Prize Physics to the Classroom with Zenodo - presentation of a series of educational activities aiming to introduce Nobel Prize Physics to the Classroom that are being developed and documented in Zenodo.

New students discovery! "Since 2009, Kepler Space Telescope has been recording small reductions (eclipses) in the light of distant stars due to the transit of planets in front of them. Our goal is to detect planets in orbit around distant stars from Kepler's mission data, following the Reading Method using two programs written by our team in programme language C. If the readings are detected and confirmed, we proceed to their analysis. characteristics of the planet: Ray, inclination, distance from the star, and especially if it is in the so-called "habitable zone" which will make it possible to maintain life. However, we have already identified such an exoplanet in orbit around the star KIC 1432789, the characteristics of which our team analyzed for the first time." - from Κυνήγι Εξωπλανητών

Ανδρέας Βατίστας Βατίστας, Θανάσης Βασίλαινας Βασίλαινας, Εμμέλεια Βουτιέρου, Φωτεινή-Μαρία Δραβίλλα, Γιώργος Καλπαξής, Ρένια Μενέγου, Παναγιώτης Μιχάλαινας, Ιάσονας Παυλόπουλος, Δήμητρα Πίνα, Θωμάς Πιτσαργιώτης, Γιώργος Τσακίρης, Στέλιος Φραγκουδάκης, Δρ. Σωτήριος Τσαντίλας


Citizen Science OpenAIRE activities in Education.pdf

Additional details


OpenAIRE-Advance – OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship 777541
European Commission