CESSDA Data Catalogue
The presentation was given as part of the CESSDA Training Days. The CESSDA Training Days were a two-day training event showcasing diverse training resources on both CESSDA tools and services. They took place on November 27 and 28, 2019, and were hosted by the GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences in Cologne, Germany. All courses were held in English. The Training Days were supported by CESSDA Training, and were the first of what is to become a series of annual training events.
Mari Kleemola introduced the CESSDA Data Catalogue (CDC), demonstrated the Catalogues’ ability to harvest metadata from the service providers’ repositories and trained participants how and which metadata to provide in their own repositories to enable integration into the CDC.
The video is also available for viewing on Youtube.
The video presents the CESSDA Data Catalogue and how social scientists can search for datasets.