Published March 30, 2022
| Version 1.3
Ship-S2-AIS dataset
- 1. AGENIUM Space
- 2. ESA
The DB is providing an ARD classification dataset, automatically labelled using AIS data and manually checked.
It is composed of 13k tiles extracted from 29 free Sentinel-2 products. 2k images showing ships in Denmark sovereign waters: one may detect cargos, fishing, or container ships. Others showing negatives (sea, coasts, urban areas, …) Technical details about its content are provided in the technical note attached to the database.
This database was generated by AGENIUM Space in the framework of the CORTEX project ( funded by ESA in the framework of the EO SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY PERMANENTLY OPEN CALL FOR PROPOSALS EOEP-5 BLOCK 4
Additional details
- De Vieilleville, François; Lagrange, Adrien; Ruiloba, Rosa and Le Saux, Bertrand, "CORTEX: Deep Learning processing for improving small sat capabilities", ESA EO Φ-WEEK 2020 , 28 September - 02 October 2020
- Lagrange, Adrien; De Vieilleville, François; Ruiloba, Rosa, Le Saux, Bertrand and Mathieu, Pierre-Philippe, "CORTEX: Open training datasets of Sentinel images : ships (Sentinel-2) and refugee camps detection (Sentinel-1&2)", ESA EO Φ-WEEK 2020 , 28 September - 02 October 2020