Published November 15, 2016 | Version 1
Presentation Open

CHESS SETUP... a European project seeking building's energy self sufficiency

  • 1. BCNecologia


On November 15th of January, Jordi Abadal from Urban Ecology Agency of Barcelona (BCNecologia) gave an introduction speech about Chess Setup at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona. The Smart City Expo World Congress is a leading event gathering around 15,000 professionals related to Smart Cities’ definition.

He explained the visitors the project’s root: the central question of lowering the energy consumption of the housing sector. From the two options, lowering demand, or raising efficiency, stemmed ideas of energy storage.

Jordi detailed the various systems imagined to combine heat demand and supply all year long through combined storage tank and heat pumps. He focused then on the part that could be played by renewable energies, and solar technologies to power the above-mentioned systems, giving examples of seasonal storage pilots.

The project is closely related to the framework of the present event as its main objective is to provide a reliable and replicable solution for building's self-sufficiency in the growing smart cities.



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CHESS-SETUP – Combined HEat SyStem by using Solar Energy and heaT pUmPs 680556
European Commission