Published June 13, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Identification and Evaluation of Bacterial Blight Occurrence on Guar Crop in Gadarif State Sudan


Guar crop grown in Gadarif State is attacked by leaf blight disease. Therefore, a disease survey in season 2014 and field experiments for examination of six sources of guar seeds in season 2015 respectively conducted in southern and northern geographical areas of Gadarif State to identify and evaluate the incidence of the disease. The results indicated that this disease is caused by bacterial disease identified as Xanthomonas spp. The disease survey in farmer fields revealed that, all guar grown in southern area at locations of Azaza, Samsam and Saraf Saeed was almost infected by the disease. The findings of the field experiment in southern geographic area indicate that, the disease incidence percent ranged between 37.5 to 47.3 , whereas the disease severity is reached up to 100 resulting in complete crop damage. However, in the northern area the disease was quite negligible with an average of 2.1 . The six sources of guar seeds at northern area, gave highest yield ranged between 234.8 to 214.5 kg fed compared to those tested in southern geographical area of Gadarif state which were gave a very few numbers of capsules. This study indicated that, the epidemic occurrence of the bacterial blight disease on guar crop is almost associated with the amount of high rather than the relatively low amount of rainfall areas of production of guar. Elsafi Mustafa Mohamed | Muna E. Suliman. | Mohamed Ibrahim Ismail "Identification and Evaluation of Bacterial Blight Occurrence on Guar Crop in Gadarif State (Sudan)" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020, URL: Paper Url :


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