Published June 30, 2020 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

Global Energy Virtual Water Trade Network and Country Electricity Water Footprints

  • 1. Air Force Institute of Technology
  • 2. University of Canterbury


Global energy trade accounts for between 22 and 32% of total energy consumption, approximately 2.0 x 1011 GJ of energy. Based on concepts of the energy-water nexus and water footprinting, we determine the water intensity of the energy trade for 11 different energy commodities, including primary (i.e., fossil fuels) and secondary (i.e., electricity) energy. In this data description, we present a database on the water footprint of country-to-country energy trade for 2010--2018 and water intensity values of electricity for each country. The database includes the country of origin, trade partner, type of energy commodity, quantity traded, value of the energy trade, a mean water footprint value in m3, and an estimated range of uncertainty water footprint. These data provide the basis for assessing international virtual water trade, water scarcity concerns, and the environmental implications for a changing global energy system. 


01 Electricity WF

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