Published December 31, 2011 | Version 1
Journal article Open

"Tagay" and cross contact contamination: the Cebuano culture of sharing glasses

  • 1. University of the Visayas


The purpose of the study was to analyze the culture-based practice of "tagay" among Cebuanos. This ethnonursing study obtained information from the lay Cebuanos in their own cultural context. Twenty-five were selected purposively from the pool of potential informants and 12 from the 25 were chosen purposively as key informants. Theory-building metasynthesis on the ill-effects associated with sharing of utensils were done after documenting and analyzing the practice. The researcher observed that in Cebu City, drinking alcoholic beverages was done by sharing glasses. Each on takes a turn in drinking and this is called "tagay". Variations from the traditional practice were also observed. These were: (a) passing two glasses in round-robin style; (b) passing the drink under the table; and (c) passing the glass on the next table. Medical and paramedical professionals were also observed in the practice of sharing glasses during drinking sessions. Systemic reviews of related studies revealed that this practice, be it traditional or contemporary, may result in transmission of communicable diseases or cross contamination of allergen. Culture Care Theory helped in the analysis of the practice to arrive in a nursing intervention plan. Health teaching guide was drafted to be utilized for community, small group and classroom instructions. Modification of the practice by: (a) using individual glasses; and (b) passing the bottle instead of the glass; preserves the cultural practice while preventing its ill-effects. Contents of the health teaching guide were translated in a video advertisement format.



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