Unsupervised analysis of multi-experiment transcriptomic patterns with SegRNA identifies unannotated transcripts: scripts
- 1. University of Toronto
- 2. Princess Margaret Cancer Center
Scripts accompanying the manuscript: Unsupervised analysis of multi-experiment transcriptomic patterns with SegRNA identifies unannotated transcripts.
bin.zip: scripts used in both ENCODE and FANTOM6 analysis
ENCODE.zip: scripts used in ENCODE analysis
- ENCODE/GM12878/Data: scripts used for pre-processing of ENCODE GM12878 datasets
- ENCODE/GM12878/Results: scripts used to generate SegRNA annotation of GM12878 and for its analysis
- ENCODE/K562/Data: scripts used for pre-processing of ENCODE K562 datasets
- ENCODE/K562/Results: scripts used to generate SegRNA annotation of K562 and for its analysis
- ENCODE/K562/figure*: scripts to generate figures related to the K562 annotation
FANTOM.zip: scripts and metadata used to generate SegRNA annotations of FANTOM6 data
- FANTOM6/bin: scripts used to generate the SegRNA annotations of the lncRNA knockdowns and the unified annotations
- FANTOM6/Data: metadata used to automate the SegRNA analysis of the FANTOM6 datasets