Education in agroforestry: preliminary results from the Agrof-MM – Erasmus+ project
- 1. TEI Stereas Elladas
- 3. University of Debrecen
- 5. Friends of Nature, Lebanon
- 6. Trakia University
- 7. Universita Degli Studi della Tuscia
- 8. CFPPAF de Mirecourt
- 9. AFTD, Albania
- 10. EPLEFPA Le Valentin
- 11. AFAF
This is the accepted manuscript of the paper "Education in agroforestry: preliminary results from the Agrof-MM – Erasmus+ project", published as final paper in "Proceedings of the 4th European Agroforestry Conference, Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use, 28 May 2018, Pages 549-552 ISBN: 978-84-09-02384-4”.
Agrof MM, "Training in Agroforestry - Mediterranean - Semi-Arid Zones Mountain AGROF MM", is a 3-year KA-2 ERASMUS+ educational project that aims to i) train 130 to 150 agricultural professionals in Europe, ii) improve and develop the education tools which will allow agroforestry training to be long-lasting, and iii) develop a unique agroforestry qualification program in each European country. It is coordinated by AgroSup Dijon, France and involves thirteen partners from 10 different countries who contribute to the project with a wide range of knowledge, experiences and ideas to promote education in agroforestry, disseminate this land use and allow the acquisition of new competencies and knowledge for those involved in its practice. So far, it has analysed existing educational systems and further seeks to describe existing training procedures and identify needs, to census and evaluate existing educational tools, and to enrich the European book of professional reference for agroforestry farmers.