Published December 18, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Epomophorus wahlbergi

  • 1. University of Antwerp, Department of Biology, Functional Morphology, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein, 1, B- 2610 Antwerpen (Wilrijk), Belgium. & AfricanBats NPC, 357 Botha Ave, Kloofsig, 0157, Republic of South Africa.
  • 2. Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo. & Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • 3. Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • 4. AfricanBats NPC, 357 Botha Ave, Kloofsig, 0157, Republic of South Africa. & Centre for Wildlife Management, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X 20 Hatfield, Pretoria 0028, Republic of South Africa.
  • 5. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - OD Taxonomy and Phylogeny, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. & University of Antwerp, Department of Biology, Evolutionary Ecology, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, B- 2610 Antwerpen (Wilrijk), Belgium.


Epomophorus wahlbergi (Sundevall, 1846)

Fig. 5 A–B

Pteropus Wahlbergi Sundevall, 1846: 118.

* Epomophorus wahlbergi haldemani (Halowell, 1846): 52.

Bergmans (1988: 134) discussed the status of the two subspecies of E. wahlbergi and concluded that the size variations are of a clinal nature and the recognition of subspecies does not seem to be appropriate, a view which is also followed by Happold (2013c).

The records in Hayman et al. (1966: 24) were primarily from the southern half of the DRC, with two specimens from Rutshuru (Nord-Kivu Province - INPBC V1346 and V1636), and one specimen from Ibembo (Bas-Uélé Province - RMCA 20278). The additional material we report on, is also from the southern part of the DRC, but also from the Nord-Kivu and South-Kivu Provinces, as well as from Burundi and Rwanda. The locality of a further central Congolese specimen (RMCA 18844b from Bokungu in Tshuapa Province) is rather unexpected, as Bergmans (1988: 131) stated that E. wahlbergi is not found moist forests.


Published as part of Cakenberghe, Victor Van, Tungaluna, Guy-Crispin Gembu, Akawa, Prescott Musaba, Seamark, Ernest & Verheyen, Erik, 2017, The bats of the Congo and of Rwanda and Burundi revisited (Mammalia: Chiroptera), pp. 1-327 in European Journal of Taxonomy 382 (382) on page 14, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2017.382,


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  • Bergmans W. 1988. Taxonomy and biogeography of African fruit bats (Mammalia, Megachiroptera). 1. General introduction; Material and methods; Results: The genus Epomophorus Bennett, 1836. Beaufortia 38 (5): 75 - 146. Available from http: // www. repository. naturalis. nl / document / 548382 [accessed 29 Nov. 2017].
  • Happold M. 2013 c. Epomophorus wahlbergi Wahlberg's Epauletted Fruit Bat. In: Happold M. & Happold D. (eds) Mammals of Africa Volume IV. Hedgehogs, Shrews and Bats: 249 - 251. Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
  • Hayman R. W., Misonne X. & Verheyen W. N. 1966. The bats of the Congo and of Rwanda and Burundi. Annalen van het Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika, Zoologische Wetenschappen, Ser. 8, 154: 1 - 105.