Published May 27, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Специфіка комунікації молодіжної організації (на прикладі молодіжного центру «Освіторіум»)

  • 1. Oles Honchar Dnipro National University


Demchenko O., Demchenko M. Specificity of communication of the youth organization (on the example of the youth “Osvitorium” centre)

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the phenomenon of youth organizations in Ukraine and methods of effective communication of organizations with young people. As an example of such organizations the “Osvitorium” youth centre is analyzed. The article states that youth organizations offer a variety of activities: sports, tourism, creativity, technology, charity, education, etc. In addition, participation in projects and programs is suggested. The article summarizes the main approaches to organization of leisure for young people, considers the evaluation of the effectiveness of communication of youth centres in three aspects: social, organizational and personal. The research showed that the youth “Osvitorium” centre uses various methods of interaction with the audience. This youth centre carries out the following activities: develops multifaceted directions of the centre; creates a wide variety of activities; provides the youth centre with modern specialists; gives ample opportunities to the participants. The article is relevant because the number of youth organizations is constantly increasing in Ukraine. The development of the youth movement is fast-paced, so youth organizations need to adapt to modern youth benchmarks. Despite all efforts to connect with young citizens, most youth organizations remain ineffective communication tools. The practical significance of the study is that its results can be used to explore the topic of “youth organizations” and to improve the interaction between organizations and young people. The article can be used by students for their further scientific studies (course works and diploma papers).



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