Hypogena brasilica
- 1. Northern Arizona University, Department of Biological Sciences, 617 S. Beaver St., Flagstaff, AZ 86011 - 5640, USA lunagrey 990 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6036 - 0281
- 2. Northern Arizona University, Department of Biological Sciences, 617 S. Beaver St., Flagstaff, AZ 86011 - 5640, USA lunagrey 990 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6036 - 0281 & Purdue University, Department of Entomology, 901 W. State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Hypogena brasilica (Perty, 1830)
(Figs 1, 13, 14)
Peltis brasilica Perty, 1830: 40 = Tenebrio biimpressus Latreille, 1833: 17 (Synonymy in Grimm et. al. 2018)
Type Material: LECTOTYPE (female): labeled (a) “Brasilia P., brasilica Pert ”; (b) “ Holotypus, Zool. Staatssammlg. München”.
Tenebrio biimpressus Latreille, 1833. NEOTYPE (male) labeled (a) “ Espirito Santo ”; (b) “6442”; (c) “Descourtils”; (d) “Fry Coll. / 1905.100.”; (e) “ NEOTYPE / Hypogena / biimpressa / Grey & Smith, 2020” (BMNH). Designated here. (See Fig. 13). The holotype for this species could not be found in the MNHN. To maintain stability for the taxonomic concept, a neotype is designated herein.
Additional material examined: BRAZIL: 1 male, 6 females. TB# 20483-20484 (NMNH); TB# 21274 (NHMB); TB# 20372 (CASC); TB# 21346, 21349, 21353 (BMNH). BRAZIL: Bahia: 1 male, 1 female. TB# 21357, 21360 (BMNH). BRAZIL: Espírito Santo: 5 males, 2 females. TB# 20799, 21255-21256 (NMNH); TB# 21240 (ADSC); TB# 21350-21351 (BMNH); TB# 20463 (RLAC). BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: 1 male, 1 female. TB# 20854 (ADSC); TB# 21271 (CASC). BRAZIL: Pará: 1 male, 2 females. TB# 21258 (CASC); TB# 21344, 21358 (BMNH). BRA- ZIL: Rio de Janeiro: 1 male, 1 female. TB# 20417 (CASC); TB# 21343 (BMNH). BRAZIL: Rondônia: 2 males, 3 females. TB# 20806, 21272 (NMNH); TB# 20947-20949 (ADSC). BRAZIL: Santa Catarina: 2 males. TB# 20597 (NHMB); TB# 21229 (BMNH). BRAZIL: Sao Paulo: 5 males. TB# 20580-20581, 20595 (NHMB); TB# 20855, 21354 (BMNH). COLOMBIA: 1 male, 2 females. TB# 21230, 21233-21234 (BMNH). COSTA RICA: 4 males, 4 females. TB# 20443, 20797 (NMNH); TB# 20550-20551, 20556-20557, 20561 (EMEC); TB# 21347 (BMNH). COSTA RICA: Alajuela: 1 female. TB# 20560 (EMEC). COSTA RICA: Guanacaste: 11 males, 18 females. TB# 20547-20549 (EMEC); TB# 20460, 20462 (UCDC); TB# 20415, 20418, 20792, 21339 (CASC); TB# 20438-20440, 20552, 20558-20559, 20562-20573, 20791, 21260 (EMEC). COSTA RICA: Heredia: 1 female.TB# 21277 (NMNH). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 1 female. TB# 20631 (TAMU). ECUADOR: Los Ríos: 1 male. TB# 20487 (CASC). EL SALVADOR: 1 male, 1 female. TB# 20486 (NMNH); TB# 20553 (CASC). EL SALVADOR: La Unión: 1 male. TB# 20798 (NMNH). GUATEMALA: 7 males, 13 females. TB# 20802 (NMNH); TB# 20373-20390, 20578 (CASC). GUATEMALA: Escuintla: 5 males, 4 females. TB# 20584-20591 (NHMB); TB# 20583 (BMNH). HAITI: 2 males, 4 females. TB# 21242-21247 (BMNH). HONDURAS: Atlántida: 1 female. TB# 20546 (NMNH). HON- DURAS: El Paraíso: 1 female. TB# 20789 (FSCA). MEXICO: 12 males, 17 females. TB# 20800 (NMNH); TB# 20944-20945 (ADSC); TB# 20579 (NHMB); TB# 20574, 20602-20621 (CASC); TB# 20554 (EMEC); TB# 21250- 21251 (BMNH); TB# 20457 (NMNH). MEXICO: Chiapas: 2 males, 1 female. TB# 21327-21328 (NMPC); TB# 20441 (CASC). MEXICO: Colima: 3 males, 1 female. TB# 20437, 20796, 21259 (NMNH); TB# 20946 (ADSC). MEXICO: Guerrero: 1 female. TB# 20788 (FSCA). MEXICO: Hidalgo: 1 male. TB# 20455 (NMNH). MEXICO: Jalisco: 2 males, 2 females. TB# 20451-20453, 20555 (EMEC). MEXICO: Morelos: 1 female. TB# 21273 (RLAC). MEXICO: México: 1 male. TB# 20456 (NMNH). MEXICO: Nayarit: 1 male, 5 females. TB# 20461 (UCDC); TB# 21248-21249, 21254, 21261 (CASC); TB# 20576 (EMEC). MEXICO: Sinaloa: 1 male. TB# 20447 (EMEC). MEX- ICO: Tabasco: 2 males, 2 females. TB# 20371, 20407, 21268-21269 (CASC). MEXICO: Tamaulipas: 6 males, 2 females. TB# 20402-20406 (CASC); TB# 20454 (EMEC); TB# 20448-20449 (RLAC). MEXICO: Veracruz: 6 males, 5 females. TB# 20442, 20801 (NMNH); TB# 20592-20594 (NHMB); TB# 20444, 20459 (CASC); TB# 20445- 20446, 20450 (EMEC); TB# 21235 (BMNH). MEXICO: Yucatán: 1 male. TB# 20582 (BMNH). NICARAGUA:
1 female. TB# 21231 (BMNH). NICARAGUA: Chontales: 1 female. TB# 21238 (BMNH). PANAMA: 3 males, 2 females. TB# 20419, 20545, 21275 (NMNH); TB# 20416 (CASC); TB# 21232 (BMNH). PANAMA: Colón: 1 male. TB# 20411 (CASC). PANAMA: Panama: 4 males, 2 females. TB# 20795, 21276, 21331 (NMNH); TB# 20410, 20412, 20414 (CASC). PARAGUAY: Alto Paraná: 1 female. TB# 20790 (NHMB). PERU: 2 females. TB# 20598-20599 (NHMB). VENEZUELA: 1 female. TB# 21332 (NMPC). VENEZUELA: Aragua: 1 male. TB# 20793 (NMNH). country not specified: 23 males, 1 sex unknown, 37 females, 2 unknowns. TB# 20420, 20425-20427, 20436, 20485, 20544, 20600-20601, 20622-20629, 21262-21267 (NMNH); TB# 17959, 20630, 21270 (NHMB); TB# 20401, 20408-20409, 20421-20424, 20458, 21252-21253, 21257, 21330, 21338 (CASC); TB# 20575, 20577, 20794, 21329 (EMEC); TB# 20787 (FSCA); TB# 20596, 20632, 20951, 21236-21237, 21239, 21241, 21333-21334, 21340-21342, 21345, 21348, 21352, 21356, 21359, 21361-21362 (BMNH).
Diagnosis: The supraorbital horns of this species are long, projecting perpendicularly to head and bend slightly inwards. The clypeal horn is short, conical and projects forward. The punctures on the pronotum are of two sizes and the coarse punctures are mostly concentrated on the lateral portions of the pronotum. The ventral side of the thorax bears golden setae. The female is similar in most characters, except for the presence of the horns. The mesepisternal punctures often intersect and form a scalloped appearance (Fig. 13).
Redescription: Male. Size: 10—11 mm; 3.5— 4 mm.
Head. Clypeal horn present (4:1), short and conical (5:0); not emarginate (6:0); two times thickness, at base, then one supraorbital horn (7:2); projected forward (8:0). Supraorbital horns long (10:1; 11:1), thin and slightly bent inwards toward each other (12:1); produced perpendicular to head (13:1); slightly bent forward (14:1). Supraorbital and clypeal horns finely punctate (15:1; 9:1). Third antennomere more than 1.5 times length of both second and fourth antennomere (18:2; 19:2); antennae with stellate sensoria (22:0). Puncturing on vertex and frons smaller than one eye facet (26:1; 28:1). Gena not extending laterally past eye (36:0). Anterior corners of clypeus rounded (29:1). Mentum trapezoidal and setose (40:0; 41:1). Labrum fully setose (39:1). Mandibles with groove continuing to connection point of cranium (44:1).
Thorax. Pronotal puncturing biordinal in size (54:1); coarse punctures rare and concentrated on lateral portions of pronotum (57:0). Lateral margins of pronotum not parallel (61:0). Margins of pronotum expanded wider that one coarse puncture (62:2). Pronotum narrowest anteriorly (59:1). Anterior edge of pronotum reaching to middle of eye, but not past middle of eye (63:1). Hypomeron rugulose (74:1). Prosternum and hypomeron setose (66:1; 75:1); setae long, dense and yellow to gold in color. Prosternal puncturing smaller than facets of eye (67:1); prosternal puncturing separated by less than one diameter (68:1). Mesepisternum punctate; punctures larger than one eye facet (70:1); punctures intersecting (72:2). Row of cuticular teeth present on posterior edge of metasternum (77:1). Elytral striae punctate (47:1); punctures separated by less than one diameter (48:0). Elytral interstices convex and punctate (49:1); punctures smaller than one fourth of strial puncture size (50:1); punctures numerous and separated by more than one diameter (51:1). Legs. Tarsi pubescent. On protarsi, proximal two tarsomeres with cuticular spines (86:1). Apex of tibia with brush of setae(84:1). Tibia with two apical spurs (85:1). Protibia with more than seven laterally socketed spines on distal third of protibia (81:1; 82:0); line of medial marginal spines present (83:1).
Abdomen. First two abdominal sternites laterally rugulose (89:1; 90:1); first three abdominal sternites setose (94:2); and coarsely punctate; last two abdominal segments finely punctate.
Female. Cuticle on intraocular space narrowly raised near eye (23:1); intraocular space impinging on eye (24:1). Clypeus with punctures smaller than eye facets, spread evenly across clypeus (31:1; 32:2). Clypeus tumid (33:1).
Distribution (Fig. 14): Honduras (El Paraiso, Atlántida), Mexico (Jalisco, Sinaloa, Chiapas, Tabasco, Yucatán, México, Hidalgo, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Morelos, Colima, Nayarit, Guerrero), Peru, Panama (Panama, Colón), Brazil (Pará, Rondônia, Espirito Santo, Mato Grosso, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia), Paraguay (Alto Paraná), Venezuela (Aragua), Haiti, Nicaragua (Chontales), Colombia, Ecuador (Los Rios), Dominican Republic, El Salvador (La Unión), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste, Heredia), Guatemala (Escuintla).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Family
- Tenebrionidae
- Genus
- Hypogena
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- TB# 17959, 20630, 21270, TB# 20401, 20408-20409, 20421-20424, 20458, 21252-21253, 21257, 21330, 21338, TB# 20575, 20577, 20794, 21329, TB# 20787, TB# 20596, 20632, 20951, 21236-21237, 21239, 21241, 21333-21334, 21340-21342, 21345, 21348, 21352, 21356, 21359, 21361-21362 , TB# 20373-20390, 20578 , TB# 20410, 20412, 20414 , TB# 20416, TB# 21232 , TB# 20441 , TB# 20454, TB# 20448-20449 , TB# 20460, 20462, TB# 20415, 20418, 20792, 21339, TB# 20438-20440, 20552, 20558-20559, 20562-20573, 20791, 21260 , TB# 20550-20551, 20556-20557, 20561, TB# 21347 , TB# 20553 , TB# 20583 , TB# 20592-20594, TB# 20444, 20459, TB# 20445- 20446, 20450, TB# 21235 , TB# 20855, 21354 , TB# 20944-20945, TB# 20579, TB# 20574, 20602-20621, TB# 20554, TB# 21250- 21251, TB# 20457 , TB# 20946 , TB# 20947-20949 , TB# 21229 , TB# 21240, TB# 21350-21351, TB# 20463 , TB# 21248-21249, 21254, 21261, TB# 20576 , TB# 21271 , TB# 21274, TB# 20372, TB# 21346, 21349, 21353 , TB# 21343 , TB# 21344, 21358
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Species
- brasilica
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- neotype
- Taxonomic concept label
- Hypogena brasilica (Perty, 1830) sec. Grey & Smith, 2020
- Latreille, P. A. (1833) Insectes de l'Amerique Equinoxiale, recueillis pendant le voyage de MM. De Humboldt et Bonpland. In: de Humboldt, A. & Bonpland, A., Recueil d'observations de Zoologie et d'anatomie comparee, faites dans les Ocean Atlantique, dans l'interieure du Nouveau Continent et dans la Mer du Sud pendant les Annees 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802 et 1803. Vol. 2. F. Schoell et G. Dufour, Paris, pp. 15 - 138.