Published May 12, 2020 | Version v1
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Stethynium triclavatum Enock. Only 1909


Stethynium triclavatum Enock, 1909

Stethynium triclavatum Enock, 1909: 452. Lectotype ♀ (NHMUK), designated by Huber, 1987: 829. TL: England, Somerset, no locality specified. Girault, 1911 [82]: 121 (description), 123 (key); Bakkendorf, 1934: 42 (ex eggs in Salix twigs) [P]; Viggiani, 1967a: 147 (distribution, description) [P]; Bouček & Graham, 1978: 109 (checklist) [P]; Huber, 1987: 823 (description); Viggiani & Jesu, 1988: 1025 (hosts) [P]; Viggiani, 1989: 142 (male genitalia) [P]; Cerutti et al., 1990: 49 (host, percent parasitism); Cerutti et al., 1991: 178 (habitat management); Hayat, 1992: 88 (distribution) [O]; Pagliano & Navone, 1995: 36 (list) [P]; Beardsley & Huber, 2000: 19 (distribution) [A]; Herrmann & Eichler, 2000: 118 (density on host) [P]; Kreiter, 2000: 152 (parasitism rate, distribution) [P]; Helden & Decante, 2001: 293 (conversation biocontrol) [P]; Baquero & Jordana, 2002: 82 (distribution) [P]; Eldredge & Evenhuis, 2002: 74 (distribution) [A]; Triapitsyn, 2002b: 8 (distribution) [P]; Viggiani, 2002: 69 (host) [P]; Arnaldos et al., 2003: 227 (carrion community, distribution) [P]; Böll & Schwappach, 2003: 176 (population dynamics) [P]; Viggiani, 2003: 199 (distribution, hosts) [P]; Viggiani & Jesu, 2003: 219 (trapping in vineyards) [P]; Arnaldos et al., 2004: 200 (carrion community) [P]; Viggiani et al., 2004: 5 (host, Italy) [P]; Böll & Herrmann, 2004: 33 (population dynamics) [P]; Böll et al., 2006: 175 (alternate host plant) [P]; Böll et al., 2007: 14 (alternate host plant) [P]; Huber et al., 2009: 271 (list) [P]; Pricop, 2009b: 127 (distribution) [P]; Manickavasagam et al., 2011: 407 (distribution) [O]; Viggiani & Tesone, 2011: 89 (host, biology) [P]; Krishnamoorthy, 2012: 10 (phenology) [O]; Pintureau, 2012: 39 (list) [P]; Walton et al., 2012: 102 (overwintering habitat) [P]; Manickavasagam & Rameshkumar, 2013: 567 (checklist) [O]; Pricop, 2013: 79 (distribution) [P]; Zanolli & Pavan, 2013: 276 (host) [P]; Pricop, 2014c: 58 (morphology, variation) [P]; Dale-Skey, 2016: 248 (checklist) [P]; Daane et al., 2018: 198 (overwintering habitats) [P].

Stethynium faunum Girault, 1911 [96]: 298. Holotype ♀ (INHS). TL: USA, Illinois, Hendrix (Bloomington). Synonymy by Huber, 1987: 829. Girault, 1911 [82]: 121 (description), 123 (key); Frison, 1927: 229 (holotype listing); Girault, 1929 [428]: 7 (description); Doutt, 1947: 152 (description); Peck, 1951: 414 (catalogue); Peck, 1963: 31 (catalogue); Burks, 1979: 1023 (catalogue); Webb, 1980: 119 (holotype listing); Yoshimoto, 1990: 45 (list).

Distribution. Canada: BC, ON. USA: CA, CO, IL, KS, WA.


Published as part of Huber, John T., Read, Jennifer D. & Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2020, Illustrated key to genera and catalogue of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) in America north of Mexico, pp. 1-411 in Zootaxa 4773 (3) on pages 343-344, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4773.1.1,


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Enock. Only
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Stethynium triclavatum Only, 1909 sec. Huber, Read & Triapitsyn, 2020


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  • Boll, S. & Schwappach, P. (2003) Species spectrum, dominance relationships and population dynamics of egg parasitoids (Mymaridae) of the grape leafhopper (Empoasca vitis Goethe) in the Franconian wine region. IOBC / wprs Bulletin, 26 (8), 173 - 180.
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  • Yoshimoto, C. M. (1990) A review of the genera of New World Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Flora & Fauna Handbook No. 7. Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, 166 pp.