Published May 12, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eupines (Byraxis) dispar


Eupines (Byraxis) dispar (Sharp, 1874)

Fig. 15; map Fig. 50

Bryaxis dispar Sharp, 1874: 498.

Bryaxis dispar: reprint from Sharp 1874 by Sharp 1876: 277.

Bryaxis dispar: reprinted excerpt from Sharp 1874 by Broun 1880: 127.

Bryaxis ovalipennis Schaufuss, 1880a: 25. Type locality: New Zealand.

Bryaxis ovalipennis: reprint from Schaufuss 1880a by Schaufuss 1880b: 501. Synonymized by Raffray 1911: 82.

Eupines (Byraxis) dispar: combination and subgeneric assignment by Raffray 1904: 207. Hudson 1923: 364, 1934: 182; Nomura and Leschen 2006: 254; Maddison 2010: 417; Shen and Leschen 2019: 263.

Bryaxis munroi Broun, 1890: 231. Bryaxis munroi: reprint from Broun 1890 by Broun 1893a: 1046. Eupines (Byraxis) munroi: combination and subgeneric assignment by Raffray 1904: 208. Raffray 1911: 83, 1924: 157; Hudson 1923: 364, 1934: 183; Nomura and Leschen 2006: 255; Maddison 2010: 417; Shen and Leschen 2019: 270. Type locality: [AK] Clevedon. Type depository: BMNH LT ♂, 6 PLT. NEW SYNONYMY.

Type locality: [AK] Auckland.

Type depository: BMNH LT ♂, 3 PLT.

Diagnosis: Head with vertexal foveae punctiform; antennae 10-segmented with 2-segmented antennal club; A4, A5, A6, A7 and A8 unmodified, A9 narrowed at base, truncate at apex, with outside surface strongly polished and slightly concave, A10 bean-shaped, strongly concave at lateral side. Abdominal ventrite 2 with pair of slightly prominent discal protuberances, inserted with slightly curved apical setae; ventrite 6 with pair of long median struts, about two-thirds of ventral length, slightly curved inwards at apex. Protrochanters with long ventral spine, about as long as protrochanteral width; protibiae and mesotibiae unmodified.

Redescription: Body length 2.00– 2.14 mm; body colour reddish brown to dark brown with lighter coloured elytra and legs. Head about as long as wide; frons slightly narrowed at end, about three-fifths width of head at eye level; eyes well developed, with about 38 facets; vertexal foveae punctiform; antennal tubercles weak; postantennal notches punctiform; postantennal cavities long and narrow, slightly shorter than antennal tubercles in dorsal view; antennae 10-segmented with 2-segmented antennal club; A4, A5, A6, A7 and A8 unmodified, A9 narrowed at base, truncate at apex, with outside surface strongly polished and slightly concave, A10 bean-shaped, strongly concave at lateral side. Pronotum longer than wide, slightly narrower than head at eye level; lateral antebasal foveae punctiform. Elytra about as long as wide, widest at apical three-fourths; humeral calli barely visible; sutural stria distinctively extending from base to apex. Abdomen with tergite 1 about twice length of tergite 2; ventrite 2 with pair of slightly prominent discal protuberances, inserted with slightly curved apical setae; ventrite 6 with pair of long median struts, about two-thirds of ventral length, slightly curved inwards at apex. Legs with protrochanters modified with long ventral spine, about as long as protrochanteral width; protibiae and mesotibiae unmodified. Aedeagus about 0.36 mm long, with slender parameres, with four pairs of apical setae; median lobe with single stout and long sclerite, slightly bent and widest near middle in dorsal view.

Comments: The lectotype and two paralectotypes of E. (B.) munroi were compared with the lectotype and one paralectotype of E. (B.) dispar, and were found to represent a single species by having identical antennal modifica- tions; the former name is here treated as the junior synonym. This species is distinguished from other Eupines by its modified A10 and the median lobe containing a single sclerite (Figs. 15 B–J).

Distribution: North Island. AK, WO, TK. South Island. NN, BR, WD.

Additional material examined: 28 ♂♂, AK: 1, AMNZ, Manukau Murphys Bush, litter under rimu, 29/v/2005, S.E. Thorpe; WO: 1, JNPC, Tirohanga Tk., Mt. Pirongia, 20/Nov/2005, J.T. Nunn collection; TK: 1, AMNZ, Mt. Taranaki, 520 m, N Egmont Rd., 20–23/iii/2005, J.W. Early, R.F. Gilbert; NN: 1, NW Nelson Mangarakau Sc. Res., 21/Dec/1992; 13, Fenian Track, carpark, Oparara, 03/Jan/2011, ground litter in flood zone in nikau grove; BR: 3, Greymouth, Grandjeans Tk., 10/Nov/2005, R. Leschen & S. Nomura, rotten logs, 42°28'S 171°12'E; WD: 2, Doughboy Creek, 6 KM SW Mahitahi, 05/Feb/1984, J.C. Watt, sifted wood mould, 84/21; 5, Haast River Walk, 27/III/2016, forest floor litter, J. Nunn; 1, NMPC, Three Mile Lagoon, 8/xii/2012, 3.5 km SW of Okarito, 43°14.5'S 170°7.5'E, M. Fikáček, J. Hájek & R. Leschen lgt. Associated females (14 ♀♀): WO: 1, Mt. Karioi near base, 11/Oct/1981, C.F. Butcher litter, 81/96; 1, JNPC, Tirohanga Tck., Mt. Pirongia, 20/Nov/2005, J.T. Nunn collection; TK: 1, JNPC, Potaema Walk, Mt. Egmont, 09/12/95, J.T. Nunn collection; NN: 5, Fenian Track, carpark, Oparara, 03/Jan/2011, ground litter flood zone in nikau grove; WD: 2, Doughboy Creek, 6 KM SW Mahitahi, 05/Feb/1984, J.C. Watt, sifted wood mould, 84/21; 4, Haast River Walk, 27/III/2016, forest floor litter, J. Nunn.


Published as part of Shen, Jia-Wei & Leschen, Richard A. B., 2020, Revision of Eupines King of New Zealand (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Goniaceritae), pp. 1-84 in Zootaxa 4777 (1) on pages 26-27, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4777.1.1,


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Eupines (Byraxis) dispar (Sharp, 1874) sec. Shen & Leschen, 2020


  • Sharp, D. (1874) Descriptions of new genera and species of Pselaphidae and Scydmaenidae from Australia and New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 22 (4), 483 - 518. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1874. tb 00177. x
  • Sharp, D. (1876) Copies of descriptions of new species of Pselaphidae from New Zealand, In: Broun, T. Remarks on the Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) of New Zealand. Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 8, 275 - 282.
  • Broun, T. (1880) Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part I. Colonial Museum and Geological Survey Department, Wellington, XIX + 651 pp. [pp. I-XIX + 1 - 651] https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 9559
  • Schaufuss, L. (1880 a) Beschreibung sechzig neuer Pselaphiden. In: Der Societe entomologique de Belgique zu Brussel zur Feier Ihres funfundzwanzigsten Stiftungstages die herzlichsten Festgrusse aus dem Museum Ludwig Salvator. Publisher by author, Dresden, pp. 5 - 35.
  • Schaufuss, L. (1880 b) Beschreibung sechzig neuer Pselaphiden. Nunquam Otiosus, 3, 481 - 511.
  • Raffray, A. (1911) Pselaphidae. In: Schenkling, S. (Ed.), Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 27. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 1 - 222. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / 978 - 94 - 011 - 9697 - 0 _ 1
  • Raffray, A. (1904) Genera et catalogue des Pselaphides [continued]. Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, 72, 1 - 400.
  • Hudson, G. V. (1923) An index to New Zealand beetles. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, 54, 353 - 399.
  • Hudson, G. V. (1934) New Zealand beetles and their larvae. An elementary introduction to the study of our native Coleoptera. Wellington Ferguson & Osborn Ltd., Wellington, 236 pp., 17 pls.
  • Nomura, S. & Leschen, R. A. B. (2006) Faunistic review on the pselaphine species known from New Zealand (Insecta, Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). National Science Museum Monographs, 34, 239 - 272.
  • Maddison, P. (2010) Checklist of New Zealand Hexapoda. Order Coleoptera. Chapter Nine: Phylum Arthropoda: Subphylum Hexapoda: Protura, springtails, Diplura, and insects. In: Gordon, D. P. (Ed.), New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. Vol. 2. Kingdom Animalia: Chaetognatha, Ecdysozoa, Ichnofossils. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, pp. 233 - 467.
  • Shen, J. - W. & Leschen, R. A. B. (2019) Catalogue and type designations for New Zealand Goniaceritae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). Zootaxa, 4614 (2), 255 - 302. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4614.2.2
  • Broun, T. (1890) Notes on a collection of Pselaphidae from the neighbourhood of Clevedon, Southern Wairoa. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, 22, 230 - 233.
  • Broun, T. (1893 a) Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Parts V - VII. Colonial Museum and Geological Survey Department, Wellington, XVII + 530 pp. [pp. I-XVII + 975 - 1504]
  • Raffray, A. (1924) Etude sur la distribution geographique des Coleo-pteres de la famille des Pselaphides. Memorie della Pontificia Accademia Romana dei Nuovi Lincei, 2 (7), 1 - 158.