Published November 30, 2017 | Version 3
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable 4.3. Integration with the electrical system

  • 1. BCNecologia


The CHESS SETUP concept aims to achieve an energy efficient system to supply heating and hot water in buildings mainly from renewable sources. The proposed system is based on the optimal combination of solar energy production, heat storage and heat pump use. 

What this means is that the proposed system will provide flexibility on the energy demand side, balancing fluctuations in demand profiles where possible, and will therefore also have an impact in the electrical grid.

In this study, different scenarios will be developed for Corby’s pilot electric grid and at a larger scale for both countries participating with pilot projects (Spain and the UK) to analyse the impact of a major implementation of the system and how can it boost the implantation of new renewable installations (solar photovoltaic and wind power). 

The focus will be on the residential sector, starting with Corby’s pilot and using the same methodology for Spanish and British electrical grids. A typical summer and winter day will be examined for all scenarios to understand the impact in these very different circumstances both in terms of energy demand and generation.


D4.3. Integration with the electrical system - Rev-4_vr.pdf

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CHESS-SETUP – Combined HEat SyStem by using Solar Energy and heaT pUmPs 680556
European Commission