Formalization of design for physical model of the azimuth thruster with two degrees of freedom by computational fluid dynamics methods
Based on theoretical and practical studies into the causes of losses of propellers, caused by the axial inflows, employing the methods of computational fluid dynamics, we calculated the geometry of physical model of the thrusters with two degrees of freedom. We specified the required physical conditions of implementation, formalized geometric parameters of the model, assigned the initial and boundary conditions of differential equations that describe behavior of propeller flows in the recirculation zones. The coefficients are calculated that take into account the existence of degradation effects.
The use of methods of computational fluid dynamics is necessary to account for the losses of propellers caused by the axial water inflows that are dependent on the degradation effects, which will contribute to reducing the propeller thrust and torque.
As the result of the studies, we received the Reynolds and Froude numbers for the zero-velocity model of the ship: Rn=4.405×106; Fr=3.124. Components of the axial and tangential forces of the radial distribution of steering propellers thrusts are refined within the limits of 2.7–5.1 %. The largest deviation of similarity coefficients is in the region of 85–100 % of the rated propeller thrust. We obtained dependences of adjustment factors that affect the components of thrusts and torques proportional to the radius of propeller of the model and the actual steering propeller, related to the original geometry. The value of corrective factors depending on the propeller flow direction relative to the plane of motion of the ship is within the few hundredths of the percent. We systematized and compiled in the table the list of parameters (factors) according to the operating mode of the ship, which are required to solve the basic equations in the formalization of physical models of thrusters.
The developed principles of formalization of the physical models of thrusters could be employed in the process of selection and improvement of design of combined propulsive complex and adjustment of selected regulators of components of the ship power plant.
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