Published May 14, 2020 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Locally Injective Mappings Benchmark

  • 1. Washington University in St. Louis
  • 2. Adobe Research
  • 3. Facebook


We are glad to release the benchmark dataset of 2D/3D meshes in our Siggraph 2020 paper Lifting Simplices to Find Injectivity  The dataset collects challenging examples from recent papers on fixed boundary injective mappings. It also includes hundreds of newly created examples. The dataset includes 10743 triangular mesh examples and 904 tetrahedral mesh examples. The examples are divided into 3 categories, 2D parameterization, 3D parameterization and 3D deformation.

We hope that our dataset offers a benchmark for future research in this area.

A more detailed introduction to the dataset can be find here.


Locally-Injective-Mappings-2D-[Liu et al. 2018]