Esenbeckia (Esenbeckia)
- 1. Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Pós-graduação em Biologia de Agentes Infecciosos e Parasitários, Belém, Pará, Brazil. Email: juliettecris 88 @ gmail. com
- 2. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Zoologia, Av. Perimetral 1901, CEP 66.077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brazil. Email: gorayeb @ museugoeldi. br
Identification key for females of the Neotropical species of Esenbeckia (Esenbeckia)
1. Wings bicolored, tricolored or deep black; if otherwise, then first four abdominal segments with prominent pale hind margins and frons broad and often without a callus. Legs unicolorous black or brown except E. neglecta ....................... 2
- Wings uniformly colored to hyaline, at most the base and anterior margin darkened; abdomen and frons not as above. Legs otherwise........................................................................................... 18
2. Wings semitransparent to smoky brown. Abdominal tergites 1 to 4 with pale hind margins, 1 and 2 pale and translucent with prominent median dark subtriangular patches. Frons without median bare callus in not worn off specimens.............. 3
- Wing particolored or dark smoky brown to deep black.Abdomen various, if tergites 1 and 2 as above, then tergites 3 and 4 dark, without distinct pale margins. Frons with or without bare callus................................................. 4
3. Palpi slender and threadlike, distal 2/3 about as wide as last antennal annulus. Frontal index about 3.0. Antennae yellow to orange...................................................................................... E. filipalpis
- Palpi not threadlike, most of palp nearly as wide as first antennal annulus. Frontal index about 2.4. Antennae dark brown to black........................................................................... E. esenbeckii biscutellata
4. Wing dark smoky brown to deep black, at most some cells with clear fenestrae.................................... 5 - Wing with contrasting dark and clear or dark and yellow areas.................................................. 7
5. Frontal callus absent; frons completely pruinose in not worn off specimens, though an irregular shiny area may be evident along a median raised area in worn off specimens. Gena hairs and all body hairs dark brown to black. ... E. erebea
- Frontal callus distinct, shiny, dark brown to black contrasting with paler yellow to gray pruinosity of frons. Silvery white hairs at least on meso-anepisternum and postero-lateral borders of most abdominal segments.............................. 6
6. At least anterior 1/2 of abdominal tergites 1 and 2 black, the remainder translucent pale yellow. Rest of abdomen black with black hairs except for more or less complete posterior white hairs fringes on all tergites. Scutum and scutellum clothed with dense short coppery to dark golden hairs.......................................................... E. perspicua
- Abdomen wholly black with black hairs, except for some white hairs on the first segment and on the posterolateral borders of most tergites and sternites. Scutum and scutellum with black hairs...................................... E. lugubris
7. Wings basally black, at least the basal cells heavily infuscated.................................................. 8 - Wing basally bright yellow or with a contrasting yellow discal patch (only extreme base of wing yellow in E. fenestrata)... 9
8. Tibiae and tarsi paler than femora, yellowish, the femora reddish. Abdomen wholly shiny, mahogany-red above, and black below. Gena hairs orange. Wings with a brown fore margin to apex and a brown spur along R 5 to wing margin....... E. bella
- All legs black to dark brown, at most the fore tibiae and tarsi reddish-yellow. Gena hairs white. Pleura with mostly snow-white hairs. Wings largely black, without yellow. Abdominal tergite 3 black. Abdomen below mostly with black hairs................................................................................................. E. tetragoniphora
9. Wing with small cell at base of wing (first M) and costal cell proximal to humeral cross vein yellow, contrasting with darker smoky remainder of wing. Thorax and legs brown. Abdomen shiny reddish-brown, with black hairs except for pale hairs on
sides of tergite 1 and tufts of pale hairs at postero-lateral corners of tergites and sternites.................... E. fenestrata
- Wing base all yellow at least into base of discal cell, or a yellow discal patch present............................... 10
10. A yellow discal patch present, but basal cells dark brown infuscated. Scutum with rufous hairs. Legs bicolored, the femora black, tibiae yellow to orange. Fontoclypeal cone bare and shiny in middle................................ E. neglecta
- Wing otherwise. Legs unicolorous black. Frontoclypeal cone pruinose.......................................... 11
11. Frontal callus weak, pruinose or absent................................................................... 12
- Frontal callus bare, prominent........................................................................... 13
12. Wings vividly yellow basally to apex of discal cell, apex and posterior border densely black. Frons unusually narrow, index about 4.7. Palpi black, broad and apically bluntly rounded. Thorax blackish with 2 short anterior longitudinal grey pruinosity streaks. Abdomen black, the first and narrow hind border of second segment translucent whitish. Pleura with prominent tufts of silvery hairs below notopleural lobe, below wing bases and on pronotum before anterior spiracle. ... E. tinctipennis
- Wings weakly colored, the yellow basal patch covering only basal or less of discal cell, the apex and hind border dilute, brownish. Frons broader, index about 3.0, silvery pruinose. Palpi slender, tapered. Thorax abundantly beset with yellowish hairs. Abdomen brown, all tergites with broad pale hind marginal bands and second tergite with a black inverted triangle as well. Pleura as in E. tinctipennis, but browner and the hairs tufts less prominent..................................... E. esenbeckii
13. Basal yellow patch of wing includes both basal radial and basal medial cells, basal 1/3 of r 1, r 2+3, r 5 and discal cells, and basal half of posterior cubital cell and axillary lobe. Remainder of wing blackish. Palpi square tipped. Abdomen mahogany brown to black, shiny above and below, with sparsely hairs. Scutum black, with orange hairs dorsally and laterally but with tufts of longer silvery hairs above wing bases. ... E. mattogrossensis
- Basal yellow patch confined to basal cells, adjoining costal cell and bases of cup cell and axillary lobe................. 14
14. Outer margin of wing including r 5, m 1, m 2, m 3 and anterior cubital cell, more or less hyaline, contrasting with dark anterior areas. Mesonotal hairs mostly brown to black or rufous. Tergites 1—3 yellow with a broad and lateral black margin, remains usually black.................................................................................... E. clari
- Outer margin of the wing not paler, uniformly brown to black................................................ ... 15
15. Abdomen entirely dark above, black to mahogany brown..................................................... 16 - Abdomen with at least the first and often tergite 2 contrastingly paler, semitranslucent whitish or yellowish, with or without
dark median markings................................................................................ 17
16. Antennae reddish, unusually slender. Scutum yellowish to orange pruinose and orange hairs. Wings pale brownish, the basal cells yellow. Abdomen nearly black to bright mahogany brown, glossy shiny above and below.............. E. fuscipennis
- Antennae black, not unusually slender. Scutum black, faintly greyish striped. Wings deep yellow and black, the yellow slightly exceeding apices of basal cells. Abdomen black, pruinose, the lateral borders of all tergites pale hairs....... .. E. nigricorpus
17. Wings as in E. nigricorpus. Palpi broad and flattened, the proboscis thick and heavy. First 2 tergites semitranslucent, yellow, with a median inverted dark triangle in the middle of the second. Sternites 2 to 4 with bare lateral dark spots, and sternites 3 and 4 with median dark triangles..................................................................... E. insignis
- Wings with basal yellow dull, confined to basal and cup cells. Palpi slender, curved, sharply pointed, the proboscis slender. Tergite 1 pale, semitransparent, tergite 2 to last largely or wholly dark, with hind margin of second pale........... E. dubia
18(1). All legs bicolored, at least all femora dark and/or densely dark hairs at base, the tibiae also contrastingly paler, though the hind pair may be extensively dark hairs. Wings moderately to strongly infuscated. Tergite 2 all dark or with at least a large median dark mark. Proboscis seldom greatly exceeding head height, often shorter........................................ 19
- Different combination of characters on proboscis, legs, wings and abdomen...................................... 26
19. Thoracic hairs distinctly rufous or reddish brown dorsally, contrasting with white, grey and black hairs pleura........... 20 - Thoracic hairs brown or black dorsally, pleura yellow, brown, or grey hairs....................................... 21
20. Tergite 2 dull yellowish with a mid-dorsal inverted dark triangle; remaining tergites blackish.Antennae and palpi broad, yellow. Frontal callus black and shiny, club-shaped.......................................................... E. bassleri
- Tergite 2 shiny dark reddish brown without mid-dorsal inverted dark triangle. Pleura with black hairs. Fore femora dark. Frontal callus narrow and irregular..................................................................... E. peruviana
21. Abdomen unicolorous blackish or tergite 1 and/or tergite 2 slightly paler......................................... 22
- Abdomen dark reddish, orange or yellow, with median dark spots and anterior borders of tergite 3 dark................ 24
22. Scutum, pleura and genae densely yellow hairs, contrasting with nearly wholly black abdomen....................... 23
- Scutum blackish hairs. Abdomen paler, yellow to orange on first few sternites in the middle......................... 25
23. Palpi deeply grooved outwardly. Proboscis stout, less than head height. Wings faintly yellowish fumose.... E. melanogaster
- Palpi moderately broad, flat and bare outwardly, otherwise as in melanogaster. .......................... E. nigriventris
24. Tergite 2 translucent yellow to orange with an inverted dark median triangle whose apex does not reach the hind border of the tergite. Tergite 3 with the anterior half reddish to black, darker at the sides; posterior half yellowish; remaining tergites dark.............................................................................................. E. tigrina
- Tergite 2 dark reddish to yellow with a median black mark which may be parallel sided or an inverted triangle. Tergite 3 with a median dark mark reaching hind border and the anterior part with a wide, narrow or broken dark border.... E. testaceiventris
25. Gena with white hairs; pleura extensively white hairs. Tergites 1 and 2 dark, reddish, slightly paler than rest of abdomen. Wings yellowish fumose............................................................................. E. accincta
- Gena with black hairs; pleura entirely dark hairs. Only tergite 1 paler, greyish. Wings blackish fumose.......... E. dressleri
26(18). Abdomen with at least first 2 tergites semitranslucent yellowish, contrasting with predominantly blackish remainder of abdomen. Fore legs unicolor; hind legs sometimes bicolored...................................................... 27
- Abdomen unicolorous or nearly so, at least segment 2 not contrastingly paler than remainder of abdomen, though there may be a median dark stripe or row of mid dorsal dark triangles...................................................... 37
27. Legs entirely dark, blackish............................................................................ 28
- At least the fore legs yellow with pale hairs................................................................ 29
28. Frontal callus absent, frons entirely pruinose. Scutum gray. Wings pale yellowish brown tinted. First 2 tergites whitish translucent with large median black inverted triangles, remaining tergites black with prominent pale hind margins. Palpi brown, sharply pointed. ... E. esenbeckii biscutellata
- Frontal callus dark brown to black, shiny. Scutum orange. Wings blackish infuscated. First 2 tergites translucent yellow with a small dark streak on tergite 2; remaining tergites black with at most pale hind margins on tergite 3. Palpi black, blunt tipped. ... E. translucens
29. Third, and sometimes second, sternites with a well demarcated median dark triangle or broad streak in addition to round lateral dark spots. Hairs of scutum and pleura not notably contrasting. Proboscis short, less than twice palpal length and not exceeding head height. ......................................................................................... 30
- Without a median dark spot on sternite 3. Hairsof scutum and pleura often contrasting. Proboscis variable.............. 31
30. Sternites 2 to 5, each with a median and pair of lateral dark integumental spots. Frontal callus black, shiny, nearly width of frons at base and nearly reaching to ocelli. Dorsal abdominal dark integumental markings consisting of paired lateral triangles on tergites 3 and 4............................................................................ E. notabilis
- Sternite 2 without dark median mark. Frontal callus yellow to brown, narrower and less extensive. Tergite 3 without lateral black triangles............................................................................... E. subvaria
31. Labium (theca) and labella unusually slender, brown to yellow, the latter but little wider than labium. .................. 32
- Labium stout and labella broad, both dark brown to black, the labella clearly wider than labium...................... 33
32. Frons narrow, frontal index greater than 6.0, nearly parallel-sided, the callus black, shiny, ridge-like. Stylets of proboscis clearly longer than head height. Tergite 2 translucent with a small mid-dorsal dark spot diamond-shape; tergite 3 with anterior half dark, posterior pale in unfed specimens. Fore and mid legs pale, hind legs black. ... E. pechumani
- Frons broader, frontal index less than 4.0. Stylets of proboscis equal to or less than head height. Tergite 2 entirely pale, rarely a slender faint brown median streak and others combinations of characters........................................ 34
33. Pleuron whitish, contrasting with mesonotum yellowish brown. Wings lightly brown tinted. Abdomen with tergite 3 nearly wholly black. Sternite 3 only slightly infuscated anteriorly. Sternite 3 and often 2 with round dark sublateral integumental spots sometimes faint. Palpus slender but blunt....................................................... E. xanthoskela
- Pleuron yellow, as is that of scutum. Wings deeply infuscated blackish brown. Abdomen with tergite 3 nearly wholly black. Sternite 3 with large round dark integumental lateral spots; Sternite 2 with small dark lateral triangles. Palpi slender, curved, sharply pointed............................................................................... E. balteata
34. Pleuron orange yellow or yellowish brown, concolorous with that of scutum. Legs wholly dull orange to yellowish. Tergite 2 pale with a small dark median oval spot on fore border. Tergite 3 with anterior 1/3 black, posterior 2/3 orange........... 35
- Pleuron mainly white or gray, contrasting with yellow to brown dorsal. At least hind femora infuscated. ................ 36
35. Sternite 2 without sublateral dark spot, 3 with lateral dark comma-shaped spots, remainder blackish. Frontal index 3.1, scutellum red, coxae with black hairs, wing smoky brown with yellow tint in cells costal, base of r 2+3, Basal radial and Basal medial......................................................................................... E. wygodzinskyi
- Sternite 2 with sublateral dark spot, sternites 3 and 4 with lateral dark larger spots. Frontal index 3.2 to 4.0, scutellum pale brown, coxae with orange yellow hairs, wing smoky with yellow costal and subcostal cells.......... E. auribrunnea n. sp.
36. Hairs tuft beneath wing base bright yellow, contrasting with remainder of pleuron. Fore and mid legs yellow, hind legs dusky to black, densely black hairs. Second abdominal tergite translucent with a small faint brown median streak, third and succeeding tergites blackish brown. No lateral or sublateral spots on sternite 2........................................ E. gracilis
- Hairs tuft beneath wing bases gray, like rest of pleura. Either a large triangular spot on tergite 2 or posterior half of tergite 3 pale. Sternite 2 with sublateral dark spots............................................................. E. cisandeana
37(26). Abdomen green, bright to dull, sometimes blackish in fed specimens........................................... 38
- Abdomen pale to dark yellowish or brownish; if rarely with a greenish tinge, then hind tibiae with pale hairs............ 39
38. Abdomen light to dark jade green, without any integumental dark markings. Thorax brown, gray to orange hairs laterally. Legs yellow, hind tibiae black hairs. Wings smoky. Frons narrow with brown ridge-like callus (male similar).... E. prasiniventris
- Abdomen dull light green with a narrow faint brown median stripe its full length. (Male with a row of dark median triangles). ....................................................................................... E. balzapambana
39. Abdomen with a dark median stripe or series of triangles above................................................ 40
- Abdomen immaculate above........................................................................... 43
40. Abdomen with a continuous dark median stripe on tergites 1 to 7.............................................. 41
- Abdomen with mid dorsal markings not a continuous stripe................................................... 42
41. Abdomen with a well-defined parallel-sided dorsal median brown stripe its full length, with a width of about 1/3 of the width of the scutellum. Sternites predominantly dark, except 1 and 2 light yellow. Legs with femora dusky, tibiae paler. Frons broad, callus black, shiny and prominent............................................................... E. laticlava
- Abdomen with a well-defined parallel-sided dorsal median brown stripe its full length, with a width of about 2/3 of the width of the scutellum. Sternites yellow with lateral margin dark. Frontal callus inconspicuous...................... E. rafaeli
42. Mid abdominal markings a series of broad unconnected dark triangles most developed on tergites 2 and 3. Abdomen immaculate beneath. ... E. bitriangulata
- Mid abdominal markings a row of 2 small slender brown dashes, sometimes barely visible, rarely also on tergite 4. Abdomen beneath with at least vestiges of median and sublateral brown spots on fourth and succeeding sternites......... E. enderleini
43. Palpi exceedingly slender, threadlike, without bare outer aspect. Frons broad, divergent below, the prominent bare callus nearly
filling upper 2/3 of frons. Abdomen black hairs except for pale hairs fringes on all tergites.................. E. reinburgi - Without the above combination of characters.............................................................. 44
44. Whole insect including wings and legs brown, abdomen nearly black, anterior tergites slightly bluish pruinose. No frontal callus. Proboscis about length of head height, slender blunt palpi slightly shorter. ... E. erebea
- Not as above........................................................................................ 45
45. Integument of the first abdominal tergite paler than that of second and succeeding tergites........................... 46
- Integument of first abdominal tergite not contrastingly paler than others......................................... 47
46. Medium sized (14 mm) yellowish-brown species lacking a distinct callus. Frontal index 3.0. Palpi saber-shaped covered completely with long brown hairs. Proboscis about equal to head height. Pale fore and mid tibiae. Abdomen brown, first segment contrastingly pale translucent yellowish white. Distribution: Nuevo León (Mexico)..................... E. hirsutipalpus
- Other combination of characters and distribution............................................................ 48
47. Size 13–14 mm. Frontal index 4.0. Scutum orange-brown with concolorous hairs, without patterns. Pleura contrasting gray with whitish hairs except apically on anepisternum and around anterior spiracle where hairs are orange-brown. Legs orange-brown mostly with concolorous hairs, on hind tibiae mostly dark. Wings lightly brown stained from basal cells and before of fork of the veins R 4 and R 5 (more intensely stained in costal cell), otherwise light grayish-brown. Palpi orange, largely flattened on sides and blunt tipped; with orange-brown hairs, with lateral surfaces mostly confined around it............ E. griseipleura
- Size usually greater than 16 mm. Frontal index less than 4.0. Outer surface of palpi fringed with black and orange hairs. Abdomen with mostly rufous hairs. Whole insect, except whitish pleura and genae hairs, but including legs, bright rufous hairs, wings deeply infuscated. Proboscis short and stout, palpi broad and blunt tipped and frons with irregular bare callus..................................................................................................... E. vulpes
48. Very small species, wing length about 10 mm. Dusky hind femora. Tergite 1 whitish. Cells costal and r 1 strongly tinted............................................................................................... E. minuscula
- Large species. Other combinations of characters............................................................ 49
49. Large pale species with wings brown tinted basally. Palpi widened at about mid-length. Frontal index less than 4.0. Distribu- tion: Mexico to Honduras ......................................................................... E. illota
- Other combination of characters and distribution............................................................ 50
50. Palpi slender evenly, very long. Labella slender. Frontal index 5.0. Scutum orange-brown with rather long yellow-brown hairs. Fore and mid femora brown, sometimes darker on anterodorsal surfaces becoming paler apically; fore and mid tibiae yellowbrown, but not strongly contrasting with femora. Hind femora black, hind tibiae dark brown. Wings light brown but more yellowish in costal and basal cells. Distribution: Bolivia ............................................. E. gracilipalpis
- Other combination of characters and distribution........................................................... 51
51. Tergite 1 pale yellowish with a brown crescent beneath scutellum. Tergites 1, 2 and apex of 3 pale-hairs, remainder of abdomen dark-hairs. Palpi slender, yellowish brown and black hairs. Frontal callus present. Clipeofacial cone with a patch of long pale hairs on middle................................................................................ E. parishi
- First abdominal segment with integument entirely pale. Other combination of characters.......................... ... 52
52. Frontal index 3.3 to 3.9. Frontal callus yellow, rather flat and diffuse. Distribution: Costa Rica (Santa Cruz), Brazil (Goiás, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Mato Grosso)......................................................... E. planaltina
- Frontal index 3.9 or greater. Frontal callus yellow to brownish red and ridge-like, shiny or pruinose. Distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil (Rondônia, Amapá, Pará, Bahia). ................... E. osornoi
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Additional details
- Family
- Tabanidae
- Genus
- Esenbeckia
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Diptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Taxon rank
- subGenus