Caltha palustris. Analytical overview
- 1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
The aim. Analysis and synthesis of data on the area of growth, content of biologically active compounds and the spectrum of use in pharmacy and medicine Caltha palustris.
Materials and methods. Literary and electronic sources of information regarding the distribution, chemical composition and pharmacological activity of Caltha palustris.
Results. Caltha palustris is a perennial herb of the Ranunculaceae family. The plant is unofficial, widely used by folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bactericidal, antimicrobial, analgesic, diuretic agent. The main biologically active substances of Caltha palustris are tannins, glycosides (γ-lactones of protoanemonin and anemonin), saponins, berberine, bitterness, vitamin C, choline, carotene, flavonoids and alkaloids. Caltha palustris is a regionally rare plant in the administrative territories of Ukraine. Given the relevance of expanding the range of medicinal plant raw materials for the creation of modern therapeutics and chemical composition, pharmacological action of Caltha palustris, it is advisable to conduct further resource, phytochemical and other studies of the plant.
Conclusions. Considering the extensive experience in folk medicine, the wide range of pharmacological activity, the content of valuable biologically active compounds Caltha palustris is a promising and valuable raw material for the preparation and production of phytochemicals and their practical application
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