Published March 30, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Novius koebelei Olliff in Craw 1892

  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol, School of Life Sciences / School of Ecology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China; e-mails: Lsshpang @ mail. sysu. edu. cn, Tangxf 5 @ mail 2. sysu. edu. cn
  • 2. The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, UK; e-mail: r. booth @ nhm. ac. uk
  • 3. Systematic Entomology Lab, Agricultural Research Service, USDA c / o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution P. O. Box 37012, MRC- 168, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012, U. S. A; e-mails: VandenbergN @ si. edu or Natalia. Vandenberg @ usda. gov
  • 4. Division of Science, Chattahoochee Technical College, 1645 Bluffs Parkway, Canton, Georgia, 30114, U. S. A; e-mail: juanita. forrester @ gmail. com
  • 5. Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, 413 Biological Sciences Building, Athens, Georgia, 30602 - 2603, U. S. A; e-mail: mchugh. jv @ gmail. com
  • 6. Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia; e-mail: Adam. Slipinski @ csiro. au


Novius koebelei Olliff in Craw

(Figs 19–24, 48–59, 64, 76–80, 90, 96–99)

Novius Koebelei Olliff in Craw, 1892: 14. TL: Australia, introduced to U.S.A.; Coquillett, 1893: 20; Lea, 1902: 493.

Rodolia koebelei: Korschefsky, 1931: 101; Gordon, 1972: 26; Ślipiński, 2007: 143.

Novius limbatus Blackburn, 1895: 254. TL: Queensland, near Cairns. Syn. nov.

Rodolia limbata: Ślipiński, 2007: 143.

Rodolia blackburni Ukrainsky, 2009: 285 (replacement name for Novius limbata Blackburn, 1895, not Motschulsky, 1866).

Novius tridens Lea, 1902: 492. TL: Queensland, near Cairns. Syn. nov.

Rodolia tridens: Ślipiński, 2007: 143.

Novius simplicipennis Blackburn, 1895: 253. TL: Queensland, Toowoomba. Syn. nov.

Rodolia simplicipennis: Ślipiński, 2007: 143.

Novius discoidalis Blackburn, 1895: 253. TL: Queensland, near Toowoomba. Syn. nov.

Rodolia discoidalis: Ślipiński, 2007: 143.

Novius tripustulatus Blackburn, 1895: 254. TL: Queensland, near Cairns. Syn. nov.

Rodolia tripustulata: Ślipiński, 2007: 143.

Novius ruber Blackburn, 1889a: 148. TL: New South Wales, Mulwala. Syn. nov.

Rodolia rubra: Ślipiński, 2007: 143.

Diagnosis. Novius koebelei can only be diagnosed by the details of the male genitalia, in particular by the presence of the small apical barb at the apex of the penis guide.

Description. Length 2.7–3.5 mm. Body oval, widest near middle, 1.2–1.3 times longer than wide. Color pattern variable. Head, pronotum and scutellum usually uniformly dark. Elytra of typical form orange or red often with darker sutural stripe posteriorly and small lateral dark spot near midlength of elytron situated near lateral margin and continuing as darker stripe along lateral margin posteriorly. Melanic forms have elytra with black areas of various sizes or, rarely entirely black (Figs 48–59, 64, 76–80, 90). Interocular distance in frontal view 1.6–2.0 times eye width. Male genitalia (Figs 19–23, 108–111): parameres slender, not expanded apically; penis guide slightly longer than parameres, stout and narrowing apically with small apical barb. Penis bent and pointed apically. Female genitalia as in Figs 96–98.

Type material. Novius Koebelei Olliff in Craw: Lectotype, here designated, the specimen illustrated in Craw, 1892: frontispiece, plate 1, fig 3, “ Novius Koebelei, Olliff.: male enlarged.”; Novius limbatus Blackburn: Lectotype, here designated (BMNH), “ Australia Blackburn Coll. B.M. 1910-236/ Novius limbatus Blackb. / T 5938, Qu.”; Novius tridens Lea: Holotype male: “10408 Novius tridens Lea, N.S. Wales, TYPE, S.A. Museum”; Novius simplicipennis Blackburn: Lectotype, here designated (BMNH), “ Australia Blackburn Coll. B.M. 1910-236/ Novius simplicipennis Blackb. / T 4164, Qu”; Novius discoidalis Blackburn: Lectotype male, here designated (BMNH), “ Australia Blackburn Coll. B.M. 1910-236/ Novius discoidalis Blackb. / T 5936, Qu.”; Novius tripustulatus Blackburn: Lectotype female, here designated (BMNH), “ Australia Blackburn Coll. B.M. 1910-236/ Novius tripustulatus Blackb. / T 5937, Qu.”; Novius ruber Blackburn: Lectotype female, here designated (BMNH), Blackburn: “ Australia Blackburn Coll. B.M. 1910- 236/ Novius ruber Blackb. / T 2963.”

Other specimens examined. New South Wales : Sydney, R.C.L. Perkins, 1942-95 (4, BMNH); Exp.937, 8.9.59, Frank Wilson, Sydney, viii.1959, C.I.E. Coll. No. 16712, ANIC (5, ANIC). Queensland: Tambourine Mts, 11-17.v.1935 ( 2, BMNH); Brisbane, 28.28S 153.01E, ix.1992, V. Brancatini (2, BMNH); MUS. VIC. ENT-1041, Goodna, x.1920, F.E. Wilson (1, VM); 19km S of Bundaberg, Pine Ck, 9.v.1975, H. Frauca, (1, VM); Rockhampton, 10-11.iii.1965, Exp. Dr. J. Balogh, (1, ANIC); Caloundra, iv.1965, L. Simpson, captured on Acelypha sp. (4, ANIC); Brisbane, 27.28S 153.01E, viii.1992, V. Brancatini, (LPL9521) Pred. of Icerya seychellarum on Livistona chinensis (1, ANIC); Kenmore, 27.30.7S 152.56.2E, 9.xi.1993, V. Brancatini, Rodolia koebelei ? LPL9532 (KE15), predator of Icerya aegyptiaca on decoy Ficus benjamina, (12, ANIC); Brisbane, 27.28S 153.01E, 28.v.1992, V. Brancatini, Rodolia sp? (LPL9521), Pred. of Icerya seychellarum on Livistona chinensis, (4, ANIC); Long Pocket, 27.30.6S 152.59.7E, v.1993, V. Brancatini, Rodolia koebelei ? LPL9532 (LP108), predator of Icerya aegyptiaca on decoy Ficus benjamina, (9, ANIC); Indooroopilly, 27.30.0S 152.58.4E, 7.x.1994, O. Fahey & V. Branvatini, Rodolia koebelei ? LPL9533 (IP24), predator of Icerya aegyptiaca on decoy Ficus benjamina (6, ANIC); Indooroopilly, 27.30.0S 152.58.4E,, V. Bran +catini & O. Fahey, Rodolia koebelei ? LPL9533 (IP31), predator of Icerya aegyptiaca on Livistona chinensis, (8, ANIC); Indooroopilly, 27.30.0S 152.58.4E, 30.viii.1994, V. Branvatini, Rodolia koebelei ? LPL 9533 (IP22), predator of Icerya aegyptiaca on Livistona chinensis (5, ANIC); Kenmore, 27.37.3S 152.56.0E, ix.1994, V. Brancatini, Rodolia koebelei, predator of Icerya seychellarum on Michelia figo (1, ANIC). Northern Territory: Darwin NT, 12.27S 130.50E, x.1992, V. Brancatini (18, BMNH); Darwin NT, 19.iv.1991, V. Brancatini (8, BMNH); Berrimah, Darwin, 16.iv.1991, V. Brancatini (2, BMNH); Alawa, Darwin, 22.iv.1991, V. Brancatini (6, BMNH); Darwin, 19.iv.1991, V. Brancatini, Rodolia sp. (LPL9507), ex Icerya aegyptiaca on Nandina domestica, Brit. Mus. (M.H.), 1993-94 (6, BMNH); 12.46S 132.39E, 12km NNW of Mt. Cahill, 25.x.1972, at light, E. Britton (1, ANIC); Darwin, 12.27S 130.50E, x.1992, V. Brancatini, Rodolia sp. (LPL9507), Lab. Cult. Reared on Icerya aegyptiaca on Ficus benjamina (4, ANIC); Darwin, 12.27S 130.55E, x./ xi. 1993, V. Brancatini, LPL 9507, Laboratory culture reared on Icerya aegyptiaca on Ficus benjamina (45, ANIC).

Distribution. Australia (Fig. 24), introduced to the United States (California) and subsequently to many countries worldwide.

Remarks. Novius koebelei has been described or mentioned many times in the literature, usually with reference to Olliff (1895) who was originally cited as the author of this species. Coquillett (1893) had previously described the larval and egg stages of this species, and was subsequently cited as the author by Gordon (1972, 1985). Gordon (1972) designated a fourth instar larva as the neotype of Novius koebelei Coquillett but this action is invalid (based on an individual that is insufficient to ensure recognition), and unnecessary because the first description of this species appeared in 1892 in the report by A. Craw who illustrated the adult and larvae accompanied by the name Novius Koebelei, Olliff. According to the ICZN Art 74.4, we here designate the specimen illustrated in fig. 3 of that paper as the lectotype of Novius koebelei Olliff in Craw (1892).


Published as part of Pang, Hong, Tang, Xue-Fei, Booth, Roger G., Vandenberg, Natalia, Forrester, Juanita, Mchugh, Joseph & Ślipiński, Adam, 2020, Revision Of The Australian Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). Genus Novius Mulsant Of Tribe Noviini, pp. 1-24 in Annales Zoologici 70 (1) on pages 8-11, DOI: 10.3161/00034541ANZ2020.70.1.001,


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  • Craw, A. and A. Koebele. 1892. Report on the importation of parasites and predaceous insects, by the California State Board of Horticulture. In accordance with an act of the legislature, approved March 31, 1891. Sacramento, A. J. Johnston, supt. State printing.
  • Coquillett, D. W. 1893. Report on some beneficial and injurious insects of California. United States Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin, 30: 9 - 33.
  • Lea, A. M. 1902. Descriptions of new species of Australian Coleoptera. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales, 1901: 481 - 513.
  • Korschefsky, R. 1931. Pars 118, Coccinellidae I. In: Coleoptorum Catalogus, vol. 16: 1 - 224.
  • Gordon, R. D. 1972. The tribe Noviini in the New World (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 62 (1): 23 - 31.
  • Slipinski, S. A. 2007. Australian Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): Their Biology and Classification. ABRS, Canberra. 286 pp.
  • Blackburn, T. 1895. Further notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new genera and species. XVIII. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 14: 201 - 255.
  • Ukrainsky, A. S. 2009. Species names homonymy in the ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). IV. Russian Entomological Journal. 2009. 18 (4): 285 - 286.
  • Blackburn, T. 1889 a. Further notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. VI. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 11: 132 - 148.
  • Gordon, R. D. 1985. The Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) of America north of Mexico. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 93: 654 - 678.